GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka

Jul 10, 2019
Is constructive dismissal not illegal in Japan (or I guess was not illegal 20 years ago)? My poor boy needs to get at least minimum wage, no?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 5, 2020
Not gonna lie, the manga could've been better if they decided to make it longer and flesh out all of the characters. In the first half I wanted to give this a 10/10, but I'm mixed right now.

Full opinion is left in Chapter 174's comments.
Dec 21, 2018
Fun ride. Really great characters, fun situations, funny art. 10/10 til chapter 100, 8/10 til chapter 150, 5/10 til chapter 100. All in all a solid series and a classic.
Mar 27, 2020
Having read this twice AND the original manga once... I can say this is one of the few sequels that is beyond a doubt better than its predecessor.

GTO was downright fucking formative for me.

Unfortunately I think I just pushed the rating down by giving it a 9/10... but that is because I don't just throw out 10s like confetti the way most people seem to. I think there are only 3 things on this entire site I've given a 10 to.
Apr 3, 2020
Not only Onizuka, the entire manga truly is great.
It can make you laugh, it can make you cry. But i would say that most of the times it makes you smile.
May 18, 2020
I feel like I should warn people who are about to read this manga. If you're uncomfortable with themes of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and invasion of privacy of women, you will not enjoy this manga, and I recommend you walk away. Maybe the humor in this was more acceptable back when it was written, but I didn't read it back then and don't have nostalgia to help me past the seriously uncomfortable content in this manga. Violating the space, privacy, and bodies of women, particularly underage women, is treated as a silly personality flaw for pretty much every adult male character, and several other characters besides.

When male teachers who routinely sexually assault and/or spy on female strangers are in danger of being caught, the series frames it as how if they're caught, those men's lives will be ruined!! :O

The main character, at one point, teaches a young male student that an acceptable revenge for girls in class who are mean to him is to either steal their underwear or spy on them when they're naked. He also (and this is what made me finally walk away) found out that some female students who were mean to him had been set up by another student to be gang raped by older men, went to where they were, found them tied up and surrounded by naked men who had paid to rape them...and stood by to watch unless they apologized to him. One girl literally had a man's genitals in her face, and the main character wasn't going to do a damned thing until she said she was sorry. The situation was also treated as "maybe going a bit too far" by other characters when they found out what the student who set them up to be raped had done.

I'm sorry, but that's so irredeemable that I had to put the entire series down, and I'm worried that others reading these glowing reviews might walk into that situation unaware, as I did. There are a LOT of scenes like this in the manga, so tread carefully.

I will say, though, that there's a reason this manga seems to have staying power. The main character has a unique way of trying to be a good influence for troubled kids, and if you can overlook the treatment of women and young girls throughout the manga, you may find it genuinely absorbing. I made it far enough to get to the issues under the spoiler above (which is a fair way into the series), which is a testament to how good the writing is when it isn't dead set on abusing teenage girls.

Personally, if you want an interesting story about a teacher of troubled kids, one that has action and characters that aren't actually irredeemable, I highly recommend Gokusen. It's about a woman from a very supportive yakuza family who is determined to be a teacher instead of the next leader of the Family. The action is great, there's a LOT of good humor, the characters are interesting, and the main character kicks ass. This is the kind of story I thought I'd get from GTO, but didn't.
Jan 12, 2019
I just finished reading this for the first time and ho boy, was this shit worth it. If your reading through the comments to see if its good or not, Yes, it is. It has some dark themes but still this shit is well worth your time. 10 Nicholas Cages out of 10
Mar 19, 2019
Personally I think this is one of the best manga I have read.
Sorry to burst your bubble megalodon but there's way worse mangas than GTO... if it were that bad there would have been a sexual violence tag, and this is still a shonen.
I agree that the humor and writing can be quite dark, but imo this manga is pointing out sick behaviours existing in our society while still being fun and inspiring, so I think its worth to read

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