Wow, their eyes and eyebrows look exactly identical on page 10. Copy+Paste?
"... You're right... we're just about as suspicious as the lizardmen, huh..."
......... No? Was that a joke?
Usually I wouldn't mind more flirting between protag and harem member, but beginning 'in medias res' (something I have never in my life seen a single good instance of in any media) where there's no introduction (and thus it feels unearned) and the weirdly aggressive and out-of-nowhere-ness of it makes it feel off-putting.
I really don't like stories that start 'in medias res' because I have to be eased in to a story, I have to meet the characters and get a feel for them. If it just suddenly shows people I don't know doing something action-y, I just don't care. Then after that, retro-active explanations feel forced. (Not really ragging on this story specifically in this regard, it's just something that's always bugged me)
I feel like it's been a while since I've read something with art this bad.