@zekromfan1 (TL

R below) A normal washing machine is just a drum with a reducing pulley, belt-driven by a motor with a small pulley. The motor can be replaced with a hand crank and you have a simple, effective clothes washer that can clean clothes in about 5 minutes. They are for sale online.
Crank, turning a drum. It is one of the most simple machines on earth.
By comparison, the modern(ish) recoil-actioned firearm operates using one of the most complicated and hard-to-replicate chemical and mechanical operations, ever. You are relying on a chemical reaction, the primer exploding (which has to be produced to a very precise specification), to set off another chemical reaction, the smokeless powder igniting (which has to be made to a very precise specification), which is what creates the propulsion for the bullet, and the recoiling of the slide backwards. Then the spring (which has to be made to a very specific tolerance) recoils the slide (that has to be made to a very specific hardness) which catches the lip of the next cartridge (another part that has to be made to very exact tolerances), stripping it out of the magazine (which is yet another complicated part with a spring) and feeding it into the breach. During that time, the slide has to reset the trigger, sear and hammer (yet more parts with hardness requirements and machining specifications). Only if all of those operations complete smoothly and without any failures can you pull the trigger again. (
@zarian2 might be a gunsmith)

R)...But really, I was more or less just joking that Russia is capable of making an AK47/74/12/19 for every man, woman, and child on earth but half its population lives in poverty with dirty unwashed clothes. And the fact the MC has created one metric shit-ton of weapons but hasn't put any thought into anything else. Cheers!