Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! - Vol. 8 Ch. 47

Aug 16, 2020
I don't think you guys realize. Kurt is fucking AVERAGE ASF. The only thing he has going for him is that he is the first son and is the heir (To a poor land). He was always scared of his brothers taking his spot. Now when the 8th son comes home, he realizes that he stands no chance and he's gonna lose everything he worked his entire life for. Being heir was the only thing Kurt had and Wendelin is very much in a position to steal his spot
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
The way Kurt handles things will only hurt the territory in the long run, especially if he keeps burning bridges over minor things. MC understands that and that's why he doesn't just lash out at Kurt like so many edgelords in the comments. It's partially the father's fault and Kurt's, since they are indeed competing for the territory but it seems like the father makes it sound more dangerous than it really is, considering Kurt has no real competition. Kurt is is just incompetent and a coward.
Nov 14, 2019
@Kaarme Oh yes, not wanting to literally destroy your entire family and their set up because your brother is a cunt is being a pussy. His brother is the heir and by his own shitheaded inner dialogue he basically counted out everyone of his siblings aside from the MC as not wanting or being capable of being the heir even if he himself is ill suited to anything. While the MC is probably in his rights by nobility to duel and murder his brother he doesn't because that would ruin at least 1 other siblings life and set up a secession fight and force someone to now get schooled heavily in running the territory instead of having their life to learn like Kurt. Killing his brother would also make it EXCEEDINGLY obvious to other territories that their house disrespected another noble and make them have reasonable reason to shaft them on prices and trade further ruining the territory and thats assuming that his fiance's father THE FUCKING POPE doesn't hear that it was because his daughter was insulted which would MURDER the territory because they disrespected religious figures and start convincing the citizenry to leave the territory and putting their own sanctions on it.

The moment the MC gives into anger here either he takes over (and the people suffer in the interim) or he kills his families' land permanently and ruins the futures of all his siblings through association. He's being smart, the dick head trying to make a confrontation he can ONLY lose with shit information and insulting a high ranking church members he's not even been introduced to.......He's just a complete fucking idiot throwing down swords to kill himself on. Even if the MC doesn't confront him over this (basically impossible in the end) if anyone leaks information about his disrespect this is only going to make his life worse in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Chaeden Well said. The Brother could have been smart here and cooperate, securing himself the support of an independent house with high Influence thanks to marriage and deeds but he throws it all away without even noticing it because he can't even see that far and is quick to jump to (terribly wrong) conclusions. Frankly I think this will probably cost him his life at some point ... not because our MC wants to kill him but because he is just such a utter fool that he forces the situation.
Active member
Sep 10, 2018
Like, why Wendelin accepts that with his head down? He's freaking millionaire, he's close with the king, he'll marry the daughter of a high-up from the church AND IS FUCKING POWERFUL.
Just toss your stupid brother to the undeads and go away. "But it's family...". I hate when mangas do that, someone from your family is a fucking cunt and the answer the manga give is "but he's your family".
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
it's you or your brother, no middle ground
No, the issue here is that reality doesn't work as beautifully as Kurt might think. Sure, it helps the territory, but Kurt would lose credibility as the lord.

I think it wouldn't have been prudent for the father to reprimand Kurt during that meeting. He would have done it in private so as to not embarrass Kurt.
Besides, Kurt is an adult, so he is responsible for his own actions. He wasn't representing his father in that meeting, as the father was present. Kurt's actions wouldn't have reflected badly on the father that the father nor Klaus had to stop him.
Apr 24, 2019
But that is the main point for being smart."But it's family..." is actually correct here since his bro insulted RLY powerful ppl. Ppl who if you insult your whole family can burn. You do NOT insult a pope aka his daughter and leave. Especially since we know pope has power to reject even the king.His WHOLE family, not just his shitty bro will suffer if he react rashly here, it can even spread to his whole territory if it leaks. He does not want that. He has a lot of brothers and sisters, why have them suffer for stupidity of eldest one.
If i hurt innocent members of my family i'd be pissed at myself as well.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Chaeden What? Why are you ranting at me about killing brothers and destroying families? When did I ever suggest something like that?

The MC is basically offering to cleanse a forest of undead. That's removing a major hazard and allowing the forest to be used for natural resources. And he's furthermore not asking for any resources, men or money, to do it. Yet he's accepting absurd demands from his family as "compensation" for being allowed to do it. He's basically risking his own life to do it, yet he must pay handsomely to those fools. He should have offered them 5%, non-negotiable. It's not like they could have done anything about it. If they had complained about it to some duke or the king, they would have been ignored. Nobody relevant would have taken their side instead of the MC's side. Why the heck does he need to look after those assholes, who only want to insult him and his group? If they had been polite, allowing them the 30%, apparently a maximum traditionally given, would have been okay if the MC really loved his family.

Maybe you have heard of the proverb: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Or maybe you haven't.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on in this chapter? pls and thank you @AlphaFlow yes ffs I was lost and confused what was happening like what was happenign
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
In issues of battlefield spoils, there was a regulation on how much the spoils would be divided.
In the end though it was never about the money, it was kurt's greed that pissed everyone off at first(most of the valuables weren't of the baumeister soldiers, meaning almost all of the valuables that weren't relics for families came from the blechenroder territory).
That part was greedy and would hurt relations with their sponsor, duke blechenroder (i think he's a duke, not sure), but wasn't criminal, however the way kurt started acting after that, to essentially a ambassador, a baron, a knight under said baron and the friggin granddaughter of the head of the holy see, would have been enough to call for at least kurt's execution, possibly the entire baumeister family (excluding wen) losing their title and imprisonment, the only thing saving kurt's ass is wen being kind of a pushover and trying not to make trouble for his homeland, now you can make of that what you will.

As we learn later, the king probably would have been fine if wen staged a full on rebellion against his family (things work out differently before you ask, but kurt get's his comeuppance), the mishandling of the territory by wen's father and kurt, especially when it is so rich in material wealth potential, is getting on his nerves.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
The anime bastardized the story to the point that beyond large strokes, its unrecognizable.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Wendelin doesn't need any more resources, he's loaded already. Why fuck over his family for pittance? Even if the relationship is strained, and Kurt is an ass, they are still family.

What amounts to pennies, relatively, is not worth ruining a relationship with family, a family of nobles even.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Considering how the light/web novels have weekly translations the manga has a huge amount of stuff to catch up on.
It's neat seeing particular scenes being drawn
The anime ruined this lol
Dec 8, 2018
@ninjadoparana Kurt is a piece of shit but the repercussions wouldn't be against Kurt, but the whole house, unless the family head called Kurt out - but their father is a dois-de-paus and Wen knows it, of course his father would leave it be. Beyond that it's what @ZweiBOI said - the whole house would be wrecked then. Not worth the trouble because of a single arsehole, it's like burning your neighbour's house because one of his kids is a piá de bosta.
Nov 13, 2019
For those who read the WN/LN what chapter is this? And is there any parts that were skipped? Just a question, thanks

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