Here's Rawee Dechachai vs Kenji Kurosaki for your perusing pleasure.
There was another note I sorta had, but didn't really have the time or note space to cover it, so I'll just say it here. I believe that the "Meta Kick" that the announcer invokes is a reference to a charity drive from a few years back. To raise money after the Tohoku Earthquake disaster, the Meta Kick program was founded. It was kinda complicated. From what I could tell, you could eat as much food as you want for free. However, you then had to work off the calories for the food you ate by practicing high kicks with a kickboxing instructor. You then pledged 100 yen to charity for every 10 calories you burned. The point is, saying that Chonpoo gave a "Full-Course Meta Kick" implies that she high kicked with enough power to burn off a full-course dinner all at once... I think?