I agree with this. As much as I like Coach Kamogawa, he really seems to drop the ball a lot, especially with Ippo. He never picked out that Ippo "lost" his left? He never corrected this fundamental mistake?
Or for that matter, something that bothered me a few hundred chapters back, he never adequately prepared Ippo for south paws. Even though Ippo faced one for the first time only "recently", he had had several matches over the years where his opponent mixed in a south paw stance. The coach at some point should have given him at least the textbook / basic understanding of how to deal with it, in case it came up. And especially once they signed a match against a south paw, Coach should have trained him, but no, Ippo had to get lessons from Itagaki of all people.
And, unrelated, the biggest problem is not losing his left, but rather not having the drive to win. He wanted to test his skills, see how far he could go.