I personally think this is good development for the progression of the main couple.
The initial status quo was:
Yukana - Girl the male MC liked
Ranko - Girl who liked Yukana and interfered because of it
Nene - Girl who obssesively liked the male MC
Yui - Girl who liked toying with the male MC
With the introduction of the trap and the president, this brought the harem up to six and had overlap. However if Ranko and Yui were to dismiss themselves from the harem and become a couple on their own, this would make the new status quo as:
Yukana - Girl the male MC likes
Nene - Girl who is obssessed with the male MC
Trap - Guy who likes to toy with the male MC
President - Girl who likes Yukana and interferes because of it.
We keep the same dynamic of the group. However Ranko and Yui both could have the romantic feelings convert to friendship for Yukana and male MC respectively. This means that now they would have allies which would mean potential progress because they could interfere with the interference. This would leave Nene as the main source of interference, so that when the story ends the author has an in-plot way to make progress happen. So to me, this is setting up potential for the future.
Of course I just might be hoping against hope because I like this story no matter how bad it is and seeing things that aren't there. Either way, I support this potential plot development.