Thank you for the update! Can't say i like where the story is going though, nearly every panel has some insult hurled toward the MC and im not really a fan of those types of manga.
Well, this is dumb. It's the MC's own fault for being a bitch though. He aught to just tear down the whole damn kingdom and rebuild it again, without all the unnecessarily violent women.
Dropped, every single one of these heroines are complete and utter stuck-up ingrates that abuse the MC whenever they feel like it. And he does nothing.
Yea, it was several years ago (five?) that I started pushing for this one to be done. Now it seems rather overdone. Still, glad it's getting a chance finally. I'll give it a volume to settle down.
Yeah, this was shit. Every character is unlikable, moreover the synopsis is false advertising. MC is no programmer, just an average gamer at best. 1/10.
This is complete shit. Every female character beats the shit out of him.Why? Because they can and feel like it.These Male mcs getting beat the shit out of by the female characters for almost no reason Troupes are so fucking stupid. And when there is one its complete bullshit. I give this 3/10 the idea was good just horribly executed. How does this have a 6 rating? You guys are weridos