Half Inch High

Feb 9, 2020
I didn't even notice the crime and tragedy markers until like a month after
May 7, 2018
"Comedy" - every chapter features numerous accounts of mass murder that the authorities or the tiny folk don't seem to mind, even when its their cities being destroyed for fun. This should have a gore and horror tag.
Jul 17, 2020
I personally really enjoyed reading this manga! While being extremely cruel at times I think the artist did a really good job of portraying the lives of these unfortunate tiny people. Also the art is really a treat to look at, and while looking a bit off at the start, I can definitely see all the improvement! The concept is a bit strange, but it's always nice to see something new! (Does anyone if there's an official release schedule?)
Jul 22, 2020
This is torture porn. It's not worth anyone's time. Dropped after 6 chapters, a new record for me! I've read "Children" a manga so graphic that no translator will touch it, and been LESS disgusted. At least that had a plot! This isn't "Bullying" its goddamn genocide painted up to be fetish fuel for the sickest people out there. The author has no concept of creating a universe, they just told a series of fap-fuel stories about graphic bullying in a society where nobody seems to care about bullying, sexual assault, murder, murder, more murder, and murder.

This takes the worst of "Nagatoro-san" combines it with a kid ripping a bugs legs off, and then asks you to enjoy yourself. Its FUBAR, and I quite literally made an account to write this review about what a steaming pile of shit this manga is. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if in a future chapter, a steaming pile of shit is involved! Watch an hour loop of Squidward ripping off his toenail and you will have gained more and suffered less than reading this.

Honestly this manga should give hope to billions of people. Too many manga are incredibly creative, or incredibly well written, and the reader is left feeling like they could never measure up. Not this one though, if anything this is a testament that ANYONE can do better. Sonic FAN ART does better!
Mar 28, 2019
Wow this is just garbage, it's literally just fetish torture porn. I thought the first chapter was going to be like a juxtaposition of how this series may have been portrayed (like a happy slice of life series that puts real physical disadvantages into a different light so that others can better understand it) but nope, it's just a power trip, fetish filled torture and murder comic with nothing of substance. Honestly should be removed from the site since it has an official release. For those that read this because it seemed kinda interesting but had to deal with that shit, just rate it 1, report and move on.

Just go read snuff hentai if you want this shit, you fucking disgusting monster.
Mar 28, 2019
This is literally just torture and murder porn in the format of a loosely coherent world, where literal human beings are treated as insects and where people can easily just murder with no repercussions. There is no story, there is no morals, there is nothing of substance other than seeing normal humans humiliating, sexually assaulting and murdering what are basically humans except 1cm tall. And the Author writes from the murderers perspective with no hints that the perspective is wrong in any fashion. This implies that the author is, at the very least, not condoning literal murder. I do not want this here on mangadex, it has no redeeming qualities, it does not entertain, it may even encourage homicidal and genocidal behaviors, and it already has a "home" on it's official release. This "series" is disgusting and I do not want it here as it, so far, indicates that mangadex allows and encourages people to read this.

If anyone has any ideas other than reporting on how this can be removed, please post them here. Any "fans" of this series can crawl back into their holes and jerk off to killing people on the website that this is officially released on.

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