Hanazono-sanchi no Futago-chan - Ch. 23 - Momo’s Conditions

Jun 20, 2020
Imma be honest, this series is kinda losing me with the last couple of chapters
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I fucking hate this kind of character and I fucking hate blackmail shit. The worst part is that she will probablh get some bullshit "sympathetic" backstory that will make them forgive her for her shit attitude and become their friend.

Just punch her in the fucking throat, get the photo back and be done with it, pussy MC.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
i like how we all hate the new girl and all the shit she brings in with her character
Dec 31, 2019
What the fuck is this development that pushes Yuriko (Idol) even further into the background LMAO
Aggregator gang
Jan 25, 2020
Okay that was the last straw. I'm dropping this shit. Heck, I can even tolerate shit but this? This is something even the devil himself won't touch.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Her backstory doesn't matter. Why can't these authors just respect the fact that someone said no.

Hell, even if she really did want to join but was too nervous to join, give her actual choice some power.

And frankly, even as a joke, don't let those characters to that sh*t.

It was probably funny the first 50 million times... but why still do it??? Maybe we wouldn't be as bothered if this trope wasn't as over done as it was... but the problem is that it's over done and just ignores the basic respect of a person saying no to something.

And I get that the girl probably isn't a bad person and a huge part of her personality is a comic exaggeration. I 100% get that.... but it's still annoying.... some jokes aren't funny when over done. I get that it's an anime/manga staple and a part of anime/manga culture... but please

Please for the love of all that is hentai, do not let our girl join the band... don't.... and don't over drag this either... please... for the love of all boobs, don't....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018

*falls down and finds a photo inside your pocket*

Aug 19, 2020
@deathmailrock agree, no idea why they have to go through this over and over. For once i wish to see a character who just reverses those blackmail situations and tell the one doing them that it's useless, making the story move on without that character. Can only dream.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
This is quickly becoming the most spaghettified logic I have ever heard. Also this bint deserves a slap for being so god damn obnoxious.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@Cistmist I don't mind her staying or something... just have her fail... I'm sure she's not going to actually be bad.... like, sure, in real life, it'd be too far... but anime/manga does have exaggerated situations for comedy. We know this. Her selfishness is probably just a comic exaggeration for plot that we aren't supposed to take seriously...

And it'd work better for a harem manga where it being a harem is the focus... cause then her being added wouldn't be as much of a problem.

But this is a series that for the past 23 chapters has been about the love triangle with a childhood friend and 2 sisters...

@NODZZ Well, she's kinda being exaggerated for comedy.... so she should be punched instead.... that's the proper protocol...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Once in my life I want to read a teenage romcom where characters feel like actual human beings. Who the fuck does this? Who steals something of clearly sentimental value from someone and then blackmails them with it, to get something that requires the other party to not hate them?

I'd love to peek behind the veil here. Is it just that every author in this genre is a fucking hack who can't stop stealing the same tired tropes and archetypes, or is it editors/magazines pushing for more of the same garbage in every series?

@justforthelulz not long now and Yuriko can join That Other Chick from Amano Megumi in the club for ostensibly central love interests that started off the plot and then ceased to be relevant forever.
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2018
Is it just that every author in this genre is a fucking hack who can't stop stealing the same tired tropes and archetypes, or is it editors/magazines pushing for more of the same garbage in every series?
por que no los dos?

That's just par for the course unfortunately.

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