It's cute if you ignore the fact that Kanda is the biggest idiot you ever seen. She could have confess like a million time but don't want, yeah "don't want" and not like Kanda said "don't find the chance", you had plenty of chance . There a lot of things wrong, Kanda forcing herself to act like a boy even if she want to say she is a girl, like wtf Kanda ? It will be the perfect thing to do to prove you're a girl and you won't do it. One of the biggest asspull i don't understand is, does nobody know that Kanda is a girl and nobody gonna ask Ookuma if she is a lesbian ? That's one thing that one person mistook a gender of someone, it's another that EVERYONE mistook it. But the biggest problem lie at the end of the chapter, Ookuma saying she is ok if Kanda is a girl. Sooooooooo, you realising there is absolutely 0 problems at all to Kanda revealing she is a girl ? Continuing the misunderstanding at this point will be plain stupid despite how funny some claim it will be to keep itup.