Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Wonder how big the drama with the parents will be after the inevitable revelation, assuming the manga doesn't stop there and they continue dating. She should be at least 18 if she's in college so age shouldn't be an issue, but will she have the 'metaphorical balls' to oppose them if need be? With how meek she was with the whole curfew thing makes me a bit concerned...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
The problem isn't the misunderstanding per se, but the substantially absent justification; the suspension of disbelief crumbles a bit every time it drags on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Geany Well, kind of, but I can see it. I mean, there turns out not to have been a reason for the deception, but she's already been deceptive, so now it's hard to come out and say it, but then the longer you don't say it the more you've deceived her and the harder it is to stop . . . it's a bit of a catch 22.
Side note: That avatar. I see you're a person of taste.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah, but the situation you described usually happens when you have even the tiniest bit of hope you can get away with the lie; this is clearly not the case, so it's kinda dumb not to come out with the truth.
Sidenote: I'm not such a fan of the author to tell the truth, but this guy was a great character.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
I fail to see why people want the misunderstanding cleared up so quickly as well, it is the only thing that makes this any different from every other fluffy romance.

Because something is different doesn't it's good. The misunderstanding id fine as 1/2 chapters but if it strech so far with no point of continuing it then that mean the author can't write properly. Like you said yourself, Kanda asked if there will be a problem if she was a girl and Ooguma say no. Any chapter with no reveal after that is just stupid, the only reason why she could be afraid of revealing doesn't exist so Kanda repeating to herself "but i'm a girl thought" is just irritating. Just told her for god sake. The more it goes, the more the reveal gonna hurt or knowing Mochi, it will be brushed off like that. Mocchi's writing is clearly not the best but it work with their artsyle because it's kinda goofybut with another art style, it's clearly not working.
Sep 7, 2019
this is adorable and so wholesome
thank you so much for translating!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Lilliwyt Well, for that matter, Mochi made her splash with very short stories that got straight to the point in seconds. Dialogue was awkward but punchy as hell, they just went for the jugular and it worked oddly well. But now she's trying to get more ambitious with a longer form (and there's a bunch of people doing really short stuff) and doesn't really know how to go about it.
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2018
No. Sorry, but that doesn't make sense. Background has nothing to do with having overprotective parents. That's only true in fiction.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
Ookuma seems to come with a lot of problems not just her annoying over protective parents but she also seems like the overly insecure type that needs to be constantly told shes loved and stuff also seems quick to get dejected and come to wrong conclusions.

But well she is pretty funny and her quirky happy atmosphere is very relaxing, i also like how she likes to try new stuff and enjoy talkative people, shes a really nice girl.

Kanda is also pretty nice i guess the cool-type that keeps quiet but is actually very emotional always gets me, i like her attentiveness and chill atmosphere as well.
Active member
Apr 15, 2019
Am I the only one here who doesn't care about the misunderstanding. I came here for fluffy yuri. And that's all.
Active member
May 21, 2018
is everyone in japan autistic? that is the only way I can explain how these manga exist where there is a misunderstanding and then the character just lies about it for months afterwards to keep the lie going.
Apr 16, 2018
I do like how cute they are together, it's very cute, too cute sometimes but I can't help but feel bad at the same time. Like for the love of god, Kanda what are you doing?? Perfect opportunity for you to break up with her right there, isn't that what you wanted??? Poor Ookuma, please tell her the truth at least if you're planning to get serious and intimiate with her because this just doesn't feel right.
Nov 5, 2018
Man i want to punch Kanda for making this "misunderstanding" go on for so long. It was already established that her girlfriend doesnt care if she's a girl. She shouldve just confessed at that point.
Double-page supporter
Mar 15, 2020
this is getting really irritating, I understand creating a misunderstanding for the drama juice, but you should know when to stop it too

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