Haru to Arashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Group Leader
May 27, 2020
@Koshin_127 thank you for the correction! we'll make sure to get it edited later ^^ The korean raws says it's 후마 쿤 that's why we translated as it is "Huma-kun" but yeah we know it was originally a manga series so we'll just change the names and honorifics based on the JP version.
Sep 2, 2020
I’m sorry, but I was annoyed with the FL. I find it creepy how desperate she was to give the gift even asking about where the family dinner was 😒 why can’t she give it the next day at school.
I’ll still give this a chance tho, I kinda like the art.
May 1, 2020
uwaa i really love this, but the update is 5 months ago, is the translation stop? i'd really grateful if there is a gruop that will continue translating this!
Apr 11, 2020
I wanted to give this manga a chance since the art is pretty good but the FL is... just unlikeable. Why tf would you ask on whether you can go too on a family dinner? It's her first time meeting the ML too. 😐
May 19, 2020
damn the art is amazing but holeeshiete FL is so bad i can't even read through this chapter
Nov 22, 2019
Why is the FL as dumb as a rock? One. Eaves dropping. Ugh.
2. Asking to go to a party (dinner) you clearly wasn't invited to.
3. Harassment. I always feel iffy when Japanese MCS just grab the clothes of person who's walking away. Annoying.
4. Asking someone she doesn't know to give a gift to someone who doesnt like her that way.
Low EQ.
Aug 19, 2018
i was wondering if there was a mistranslation, but nope, she really asked if she could come to someone else's family dinner. moreover, she asked it from a boy she'd prior barely if ever spoken too. like, wut? i spent a solid couple of minutes just staring at that scene with a look on my face that said ''are you stupid, or are you stupid?''

the fl also just rubs me the wrong way because she seems to have forgotten how inappropiate it would be for her, someone who has no relation to a teacher other than being one of his many students, to just spend time with him on a free day or to give him a very intimate/special gift too especially without consulting the teacher first (the teacher who would get into the most trouble if he was seen with a random fl student on a day off). it's like her bubbly personality was supposed to be cute but instead she seemed super annoying and dumb to me
Dec 7, 2020
i def agree with the below comments about the fl being inappropriate by self inserting herself in a family event of people she’s not close to, hence why i wasn’t mad at the ml’s reaction at all even though the author might’ve intended for us to be angry w the fl.

HOWEVER, can i say that scarf scene was really sweet of him and major adorable

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