Has anyone noticed that the search function is bugged on MS Edge?

Jun 19, 2018
Basically from what I've noticed, it appears that any checkbox on the search function refuses to stay ticked when searching on Edge (Can search for genres and themes on the dropdown option, on the checkbox option it defaults to all unchecked when hitting "search", same situation with the exclusion and inclusion options, which means the blacklist is hilarious non-functioning on Edge atm, or at least I assume since I keep seeing results that should be blacklisted, though this is an assumption on my part)

I also noticed that the URL on Edge looks really strange, for an example:

MS Egde: search?tag_mode_exc=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,any&tag_mode_inc=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all&tags_exc=,,,,,,,7,36,46,48,30,37,56&tags_inc=,,,,,,2
FireFox: search?tag_mode_exc=any&tag_mode_inc=all&tags_exc=7,48,36,46,30,56,37&tags_inc=2

The search function works normally on Firefox (Trying to move over to Edge, since the device I'm currently using is rather clapped out to say the least, and any reduction in resource usage is nice) and it seems to just be something to do with edge, has anyone of the 3 other people using Edge noticed this?

Edit: Tested Edge Mobile and that works as normal, no strange URL, so it seems to be isolated to Edge Browser.

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