Hatsukoi Losstime - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - The First Love Loss Time

Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@Kayuki He's just being polite (plus the "asian aging" meme ;)

@TakeiDaloui The way I read it loss time was always about her feelings about her impending death without getting to live (love, marry, puppies kinda life), and the only ones who got to share this time were the people she put her hopes upon. Then as she turned nearly vegetative at the end, and mostly gave up all hope, she entered a loss time with only herself moving in it (but cunningly she timed one session so she could make a secret confession).
After the confession, she had basically accepted her death, so she stopped having any particular loss time and was simply a comatose person. But since her dad had invested so much in her, and her grandpappy couldn't show that he was a weaker man than the dad now that the transplant had been made, they kept her alive with the hopes of future science helping here.
And medical science has moved ahead enormously the last decades, so for them to be able to kickstart a comatose person they know the reason for is less fantastic than the loss time scenario, especially since it's been 10-25 years (unclear). I guess dad could also have vouched for them being a couple which is probably why he's getting this one-on-one time whether he's actually involved with the procedures or not.
Aneeway, she gets woken up, but since her last few weeks/months of non-vegetative life was during loss time, she first believes it must have returned again, until she finally understands that this is it. Life.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
Lmao if I had closed it from that supposed end then I would be regretting reading this
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2018
at least she wakes up from the coma, that means her body condition getting better gradually
Double-page supporter
May 28, 2018
Umm, this felt like it took itself a bit too seriously, but it was cute nonetheless.
Double-page supporter
Mar 7, 2019
That ending made it a so so ending might aswell stick to the bitter ending
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 28, 2019
Well, that's not how a coma works. You still continue to grow older. Your hair and nails still grow.
Sep 2, 2019
I'm not sure about the ending but in fact that she is awake and aiba also become a doctor already give a good impression of what kind of ending it is

Well some readers said shinomiya didn't aging but imo she did though not that significant
Jan 26, 2018
It was real life, not loss time.
[ol]1. Aiba only said "but you've stayed the same" in reply to Shinomiya saying "you've grown taller," not "you've grown older." If you're in a comatose state, your body still grows older but you'd be malnourished and physically weak; her body probably kept all the nutrients for keeping her alive and not too much on height development lol[/ol]
[ol]2. She woke up hearing phss phss sounds, which I am assuming are ambient hospital sounds? That wouldn't happen if everything was frozen.[/ol]
[ol]3. She touched his hand and said that it was warm. This is different from the first chapter, when she put her hand on his face in loss time and he said that it was cold, even though she said she was warm earlier.[/ol]
[ol]4. "welcome home" is an odd thing to say if she's not truly alive and awake. Loss time was result of her stress, and the ideal was for it to shorten in duration and eventually disappear so that she can fully live in the real world. I don't think Aiba wants Shinomiya to only exist in the loss time world, but it would be better than nothing, so I think he would have said "welcome back" if she were still in loss time.[/ol]
[ol]5. the last page had a breeze blowing on the curtains. Given this artist's attention to detail, I don't think that's just an aesthetic, but rather a clue, like the spinning top in Inception.[/ol]
[ol]6. as someone said earlier, I think the last line refers to "loss time" not as the time-stop phenomenon they were using the term for, but rather the original meaning they were discussing in chapter 1, also known as additional time or overtime.[/ol]
[ol]7. it has to be the real world because I need them to get married, have 10 puppies, and live happily ever after 😭[/ol]
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
Bet shes still gonna die waking up doesnt mean shes healed lmao

@sukaley There isnt any confusion about this? Why would anybody think they are in loss time rn?
Active member
Feb 12, 2018
Three things: I wish we had seen more day to day time stop monotony, I wish her dad had been fleshed out a bit more, I wish they had chilled on some of the scientific mumbo jumbo

Anyway, good shit. I would have been fine tragic or happy ending, I think the series earned the choice. *Last thing, that volume cover is insanely beautiful, almost like a world unto itself. I would like to see more from this artist.
Aggregator gang
Aug 14, 2019
My mind literally switches off every time it starts with the science mumbo jumbo. I literally read 2 pages then realize I have no idea what the hell just happened in the last 2 pages, repeat.

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