And thus the Doujinshi arc concluded. In my honest opinion, pretty underwhelming. I did enjoy Ruka but the way everything else was handled was kinda poor. You gave too much screentime to Nagi, which solidified the fact that she will win. It didn't have a wild twist (though I didn't expect her parents to come back). The bet they made was pretty pointless cause again we know that Nagi will win and Ruka's side of the bet was too absurd to even believe it happening. I had a hard time figuring out what Ruka prefers doing until the end. She doesn't like doing idol work because of the debt but stayed with it anyway. She likes manga but we weren't shown enough of the passion she had with drawing manga unlike Nagi. She said that she does like singing but will still do manga. I'm conflicted. It didn't left as much of an impression as A-tan's arc did, that one left a bittersweet taste and I had a whole rant about it.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on this arc. Now we get to the juicy stuff.
She could've won by revealing her face. Who wouldn't buy a cute and beautiful girl's work, and an idol to boot. GGWP. Overpowered. Flawless victory. Fatality. Victory Royale. Easy dub.