Definitely does have that certain "some lines were lost in translation" feel. The problem with having good English editors on top of that is that it just papers over the problem. Or rather, turns it into half "translation" and half "hey guys I made up some dialogue that I thought would fit."
Not like this is a new phenomenon or anything, mind.
As for the series itself... was it not making rape jokes while the main character was getting eaten? this vore? This whole chapter seems... almost-normal, in the same way that someone having a manic episode may seem almost-normal to someone who doesn't know them. (I don't mean to trivialize mental health issues by the loose analogy, and I'm not saying the author has any such issues either; I'm just trying to pin down the weird sense of unease I had while reading it. It could be that it's just a combination of moderately edgy humour and papered-over machine-translation sending me into some kind of uncanny valley.)