Why do you think the germs would be able to pass through the magic too? Maybe his hands are clean because the magic works with just his hands.Good job and everything, MC, but here I am just thinking of the fact that unless the healing magic sterilized them, his bare hands are covered in germs. Best hope the kiddo's got a robust immune system. But let's be real: A wizard did it. She'll be fine.
Which I noted as a possibility, yes. However, there's two assumptions that could influence the magic and both would be valid: The first possibility is that since the MC forgot to account for the germs, they would be free to contaminate whatever he touches because they are in close physical contact with his skin and therefore pass through the shadow right along with it. Given the time pressure imposed by the situation, I can easily see this happening. The second possibility is that while the MC failed to account for the germs, they would be blocked because while he has darkness affinity, the germs do not. If the author was pressed on this question, I suspect that they'd probably favor this answer. Again, though, I feel that strong cases could be made for either possibility. I just happened to be erring on the side of pessimism when I first read through the chapter.Why do you think the germs would be able to pass through the magic too? Maybe his hands are clean because the magic works with just his hands.
Now that I think about it better, if germs were not able to pass through the body just because they do not have an affinity with the dark attribute, the sleeping pills that the protagonist used would not pass through. So we can assume that the first possibility is the most likely, but with some modifications, perhaps only objects and/or living beings that he recognizes pass through the magic, but that ALSO would not make sense, since as we saw in the other chapters, he cannot take anyone with him through the portals whether he wants to or not.Which I noted as a possibility, yes. However, there's two assumptions that could influence the magic and both would be valid: The first possibility is that since the MC forgot to account for the germs, they would be free to contaminate whatever he touches because they are in close physical contact with his skin and therefore pass through the shadow right along with it. Given the time pressure imposed by the situation, I can easily see this happening. The second possibility is that while the MC failed to account for the germs, they would be blocked because while he has darkness affinity, the germs do not. If the author was pressed on this question, I suspect that they'd probably favor this answer. Again, though, I feel that strong cases could be made for either possibility. I just happened to be erring on the side of pessimism when I first read through the chapter.
Edit: And actually, now that I wrote it out, the first assumption also hinges on whether the germs have darkness affinity or not. They very well might. After all, disease does have an association with it. It all comes down to whether the world works on Dark Is Evil or The Sacred Darkness. It's probably the latter.