Hazure Skill “Gacha” de Tsuihou Sareta Ore wa, Wagamama Osananajimi wo Zetsuen Shi Kakusei Suru - Vol. 4 Ch. 18.2

Group Leader
Jan 26, 2023
So you've been gone in general for 6 months and gone from this series for seemingly 2 year. Now a new group picks it up and you're now suddenly back? What's the deal?
1. This series was on HIATUS for 2 years and just recently got updated at March. Basically i just left this like less than 4 months. The only reason why I came back because of this series. I like this one and thats why I decided to tl it on the first place.
2. I did put announcement on my DC that i will be back and never once I said I will drop any of the series. If those group take their time and check my dc, this probably could be avoided.
Group Leader
Jun 19, 2023
Eh, translation is all around better then the other group and the image quality is just as good if not cleaner. If it's true that the manga had been on hiatus and just resumed a few months ago I can see it taking a little bit to reorient themselves and atart translating the new material. So I don't really see this as a snipe.

As for only communicating on their discord, I don't think it's any worse then most other options, unless they made a forum post, which most of us wouldn't see either.
I don't see what my image or translation quality has to do with it.
Not really. 3 to 4 months ago puts it at the end of the school year when most translators are cramming for finals and end of year projects. Then there is moving out of dorms, dealing with families, or finding summer work, because everyone gits bills to pay.

Then after all the above, they need to check sites to see what's been uploaded to the RAW sites, brush up on translation materials and graphics programs... and then actually translating, redraw and touchups, typesetting, and QC.

Everyone has to deal with real life before they can slave away for your brief entertainment and endless scorn. 3 to 4 months gap waiting for a manga that was on hiatus for damn near two years is hardly an issue. And no I still don't consider it sniping.
But it was two years, so they had to have the end of the school year twice? (I'm not saying they sniped)
Ok guys, can we just chill and enjoy the manga? If you wanna discuss translation group woes, might I suggest you do it elsewhere?...
All in all, I feel like we are both at fault. I should have joined his discord before posting new chapters and he should have contacted me before posing new chapters out of nowhere.

But like phil777 said, it doesn't really matter whose at fault, and the whole reason these manga are being translated is so that we can enjoy reading them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
But it was two years, so they had to have the end of the school year twice? (I'm not saying they sniped)
Here's the thing, the entire manga has been on hiatus for the last two years. Not the team translating the manga, but the mangaka who created the manga.

Viewing the RAW site with Google translate shows volume 3 of the manga releasing on 22/9/15 while the latest volume 4 was released on 24/5/30.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
Yupper, many forced justifications, much gaslighting.

Your first post plainly states they were shamelessly trying to force out the other group by posting a half a chapter more then the other group. Your words. You are clearly implying naivere is using a practice some of the larger groups like GDS use discourage another TL from poaching one of their neglected manga. Which is used to drive traffic to their website for money.

All naivere did was restarted translating the manga two months after they found it came off it's two-ish year hiatus. Yet you condemn them as a sniper withholding chapters for monetary gain from the get go.
I never said any of that. I said they rushed to proceed it, which implies the total opposite, that they did not have it done anywhere and had to do it on the spot. Quite putting words my moth to paint me as some boogeyman.
Jan 26, 2020
I never said any of that. I said they rushed to proceed it, which implies the total opposite, that they did not have it done anywhere and had to do it on the spot. Quite putting words my moth to paint me as some boogeyman.
So you're saying they're just rushing to counter the other group release and should have... checks notes rushed the translation instead from the very start, by somehow staying on top of the original and immediately realizing it came back from hiatus. And when people disagree with your arguments, you're putting words in THEIR mouth and accusing them of gaslighting. Holy shit, dude, you're not a boogeyman, you're an idiot. You could only WISH you were ever going to be labelled a boogeyman.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
So you're saying they're just rushing to counter the other group release and should have... checks notes rushed the translation instead from the very start, by somehow staying on top of the original and immediately realizing it came back from hiatus. And when people disagree with your arguments, you're putting words in THEIR mouth and accusing them of gaslighting. Holy shit, dude, you're not a boogeyman, you're an idiot. You could only WISH you were ever going to be labelled a boogeyman.
Again not what I said, nor what I meant. Once again putting words in my mouth. God dam I need a mod to shut down you brigading stands. Fuck off.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
1. This series was on HIATUS for 2 years and just recently got updated at March. Basically i just left this like less than 4 months. The only reason why I came back because of this series. I like this one and thats why I decided to tl it on the first place.
2. I did put announcement on my DC that i will be back and never once I said I will drop any of the series. If those group take their time and check my dc, this probably could be avoided.
Hey can you call off your stands here?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
Hey can you call off your stands here?
Again not what I said, nor what I meant. Once again putting words in my mouth. God dam I need a mod to shut down you brigading stands. Fuck off.
Dud, you brought this down on your own head. Now that it's all gone sideways you threaten to get mods involved? Just accept you were wrong, dont respond and carry on with your life.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
Dud, you brought this down on your own head. Now that it's all gone sideways you threaten to get mods involved? Just accept you were wrong, dont respond and carry on with your life.
Quote were I was wrong, to have been asking for details of what was going on, to be looking at the timing and questioning? Its all I was doing since the start, you on the other hand keep adding things I didn't say and then mocking and calling it disagreeing, pulling other in and grouping up. You are very clearly trying to corner and attack to get me to give justification for your claims, and you know what fuck you. Leave me the hell alone already.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
and only post half a chapter more to just overtake. Clearly trying to hold on to the series and chase off a new translator. Very clearly they are not in a position to continue the series as they didn't even have these stock piled and had to get them ready over the last 30 days. The series deserves better than to be clung onto like this, if you they are not able to give updates then let someone who can take over.
Also not even putting a message or anything at the start or end, just acting like nothing happened. Shameless.
There ya go, as requested. You start off implying naivere is trying to chase away a more active translator by posting a half a chapter ahead. When in fact they just continued translating something that had come off a two year hiatus.

Now, that you've been proven wrong, you've done nothing but proclaim your innocence and cried about how you're being bullied. That is the only reason I keep responding. I could honestly care less if you apologize or even admit you were wrong. But because you keep posting,claiming to be the victim, I see no reason to stop responding why you wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
There ya go, as requested. You start off implying naivere is trying to chase away a more active translator by posting a half a chapter ahead. When in fact they just continued translating something that had come off a two year hiatus.

Now, that you've been proven wrong, you've done nothing but proclaim your innocence and cried about how you're being bullied. That is the only reason I keep responding. I could honestly care less if you apologize or even admit you were wrong. But because you keep posting,claiming to be the victim, I see no reason to stop responding why you wrong.
You do realize that is before posts talking about additional info of the two year hiatus, and that once more info was talked about it was taken into acount? That is blatantly out of context. That post was made with the info I had at the time and was part of a discussion, that you are pulling it out of context and out of the discussion is manipulative as hell and in no way proves anything you have claimed. Such as your claim that I accused them of stockpiling or any other claims you claimed I said, when I literally said the exact opposite.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
it being 3-4 months since the hiatus ended ruin that argument.
Here you are claiming that a few months negates the fact that the manga was on hiatus for two years, and that the naivere took too long to notice the update. When in fact they had posted they would resume TLing on their discord.

a month back, so they made a statement only once the other group posted 30 days ago?
To which I replied.
Volume 4 of the manga released at the end of May, and RAWs of the chapter started being uploaded around the same time. It is now only July. So barely 2 months have gone by since the manga has come out of hiatus.

This is not the naked money grab you make it out to be. This group has been translating this Maga since 2.2.
Yes this also included a partial response to your first post. And here is where you go full victim and claim we are bullying you for "just responding to notifications"
What bs, I never once said anything about money.
again what you implied in your first post, was that naivere was trying to push the other TL out by posting a extra half chapter. Most would view such an action as motivation to drive traffic to their website for ad revenue. On a side note what naivere did was to posted both parts of the chapter. The other group just uploaded half.
I simply replied to notifications. In your defense of them you force justification and in doing so escalate. You now are grouping up and mocking what was a civil conversation that you gaslighters pushed till you could make it sound like I am overly hostile.
You are the one playing the victim here, when all we did was tell you that your assumptions were wrong.
So wait are you saying they just had no idea it returned? That no one in their discord knew and they found out do to another group updating it? That feels hard to believe, surely it would get brought up in their discord.
2 years is rough, and if it took months to get back up and running they may not be set up to keep going. That is understandable. My concern here is which is more ready to keep translation, them or the new group, because it looks like they panicked and rushed to get these ready. And if so may not be as ready to keep going as they are making it look, in which case the new group who may be preferable. If they are fully ready great, with the timing I have to worry this was doing in out of stubborn pride and they won't be able to keep going at it for long.
Blah blah blah, more justifications for why you are not wrong.
As for gds, they are a totally different problem that needs to be regularly sniped. Or just ripped off, I will sooner read there translation of a aggregator than off their site.
Yet you were the one that claimed naivere was acting just like them.
Also not appreciated at all that you grouped up with misery on me, I am just going over and learning what is going on here and talking about it. I have kept it civil and just been chatting, but if I am going to be treated as hostile I will have no reason to remain friendly.
At this point you had two people
explain why you were wrong, then got all defensive about it. That is not bullying, that is correcting a misunderstanding.
I never said any of that. I said they rushed to proceed it, which implies the total opposite, that they did not have it done anywhere and had to do it on the spot. Quite putting words my moth to paint me as some boogeyman.
But you did, which was explain how and why here
So you're saying they're just rushing to counter the other group release and should have... checks notes rushed the translation instead from the very start, by somehow staying on top of the original and immediately realizing it came back from hiatus. And when people disagree with your arguments, you're putting words in THEIR mouth and accusing them of gaslighting. Holy shit, dude, you're not a boogeyman, you're an idiot. You could only WISH you were ever going to be labelled a boogeyman.
and this was still not enough. You start telling people to fuckoff and asking naivere to call off the goons. More insults and threats to report us to the mods. Not once did you stop acting like you were the victim or spouting justification for your actions.

It's easy to make this go away. Just stop responding to this thread. Just let it go, and go read read manga or watch YouTube.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
Here you are claiming that a few months negates the fact that the manga was on hiatus for two years, and that the naivere took too long to notice the update. When in fact they had posted they would resume TLing on their discord.
Which wasn't widely known or stated yet which is why myself and many others were talking about what it and working with what we knew.
Yes this also included a partial response to your first post. And here is where you go full victim and claim we are bullying you for "just responding to notifications"
Leaving out that it was at this point you started roping in others and grouping up.
again what you implied in your first post, was that naivere was trying to push the other TL out by posting a extra half chapter. Most would view such an action as motivation to drive traffic to their website for ad revenue. On a side note what naivere did was to posted both parts of the chapter. The other group just uploaded half.
Were you start lying and putting words in my mouth, as I specially said this is probably do to pride not money, and even specified that they did not have it ready and rushed to make it, which would mean they didn't have it already done and behind a pay wall. As well as I pointed out that only realized half a chapter more than the other group, which is just a fact. Yes it was a complete chapter, never said anything about it not being.
You are the one playing the victim here, when all we did was tell you that your assumptions were wrong.
Blah blah blah, more justifications for why you are not wrong.
You roped another in, and started a back and forth mocking me at this point between you two, very uncalled for.
Yet you were the one that claimed naivere was acting just like them.
Where? The other person you roped in brought up gds out of nowhere as if I had compared them. And I included aside note at the end of my message to them talking about gds separately but nowhere did I compare them.
At this point you had two people
explain why you were wrong, then got all defensive about it. That is not bullying, that is correcting a misunderstanding.
Three, and I understand fully, at this point you had no idea what had been said and by who and dug your heels in that you where morally the high ground and needed to teach mean a lesson. And the second jumped on because of reading only what you had said. Its at that point you created a bandwagon to jump on and senselessly attack. I know you misunderstood a lot at this point, you had locked in narrow minded assumptions and added thing I didn't say to your perception of reality, your delusions jut kept getting worse from there, and from around then pretty much every one of my posts was me having to say "I never said" whatever new bs you claimed I said
But you did, which was explain how and why here

and this was still not enough. You start telling people to fuckoff and asking naivere to call off the goons. More insults and threats to report us to the mods. Not once did you stop acting like you were the victim or spouting justification for your actions.

It's easy to make this go away. Just stop responding to this thread. Just let it go, and go read read manga or watch YouTube.
Hell the fuck no. I do not back down from bullies which what you very clearly are. You wanted to pick a fight, take what I said out of context, lie and add things constantly, rope others in and group up, I will fight back. You are blatantly trying to chase me off, which shows you do not like that I am allowed to talk here, well guess what, I have every right to chat with others. You are pissy that I called out the translator and are a sour ass fan boy trying to discredit and run me off for doing so. You gaslight, and force me to be defensive to escalate and use crowed manipulation to make me look bad. And yeah, there is little that can be done against it, you have practiced it a lot, and I have not. I have seen you do this before several times, force a self destruct and walk away gleefully after playing the mods. But don't you dare think I will let you send me down alone.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
But don't you dare think I will let you send me down alone
but didn't you ask to be left alone?
Leave me the hell alone already.

having this thread as it happened because I always rt curious when I see this type of situation, it seems that if you really want the situation to die down, you need to clearly state the exact stance you have in a single message rather than spread out to get a response based on that. or else anyone would be able to say "you took that out of context" and then result in a constant back and forth (which according to you, you don't want), so if I were you, I'd try to clarify the stance you're taking if you want to end this discussion.

as for my opinion since we're sharing: the manga was on hiatus (and thats something I checked when this manga's scans suddenly came back) so I was surprised to see a new group. but when the old group came back I saw that it wasn't long since the manga came back (a few months), I understood that life happens. mangadex isn't a place to support scanlator to scanlator discussion that much, so it's not like we'd be able to know that they were in fact working on it whenever they started (besides them posting a comment on the other scan, but I could understand not wanting to use mangadex comments), but even if they only found out cause a new scanlator came in. why is that wrong? you think scanlators keep checking on a manga on hiatus for over 2 years? lots can happen in that time so I won't blame someone for forgetting.

it's not like they condemmed the other scanlator either, they just started working on catching up as most readers would want from them.

last thing would be: if you didn't write in such an aggressive tone, you wouldn't get this type of response, but after reading your comments on the other chapters, I can see that you are just looking for a reaction (in fact, you say so yourself:
You are blatantly trying to chase me off, which shows you do not like that I am allowed to talk here, well guess what, I have every right to chat with others.
fyi: responding and explains why you're wrong != chasing off, in fact, it's the exact opposite, they want you to clarify why this assumption is wrong, which means carrying more).

anyways, here's my 2 cents. call me a "stand" if you want (do you mean Stan? or this a Jojo reference, cause I honestly dunno what you meant by that) but here's my opinion on how you can resolve your situation since you want to so badly, as well as my own opinion on this whole scanlation situation.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
but didn't you ask to be left alone?

having this thread as it happened because I always rt curious when I see this type of situation, it seems that if you really want the situation to die down, you need to clearly state the exact stance you have in a single message rather than spread out to get a response based on that. or else anyone would be able to say "you took that out of context" and then result in a constant back and forth (which according to you, you don't want), so if I were you, I'd try to clarify the stance you're taking if you want to end this discussion.

as for my opinion since we're sharing: the manga was on hiatus (and thats something I checked when this manga's scans suddenly came back) so I was surprised to see a new group. but when the old group came back I saw that it wasn't long since the manga came back (a few months), I understood that life happens. mangadex isn't a place to support scanlator to scanlator discussion that much, so it's not like we'd be able to know that they were in fact working on it whenever they started (besides them posting a comment on the other scan, but I could understand not wanting to use mangadex comments), but even if they only found out cause a new scanlator came in. why is that wrong? you think scanlators keep checking on a manga on hiatus for over 2 years? lots can happen in that time so I won't blame someone for forgetting.

it's not like they condemmed the other scanlator either, they just started working on catching up as most readers would want from them.

last thing would be: if you didn't write in such an aggressive tone, you wouldn't get this type of response, but after reading your comments on the other chapters, I can see that you are just looking for a reaction (in fact, you say so yourself:

fyi: responding and explains why you're wrong != chasing off, in fact, it's the exact opposite, they want you to clarify why this assumption is wrong, which means carrying more).

anyways, here's my 2 cents. call me a "stand" if you want (do you mean Stan? or this a Jojo reference, cause I honestly dunno what you meant by that) but here's my opinion on how you can resolve your situation since you want to so badly, as well as my own opinion on this whole scanlation situation.
No, your not a stand, you are clearly trying to help. (also stand is a newish word for fan boy, someone who "stands" up for someone they are a fan of regardless of reason, EDIT: oh shit you are right its stan, they use the jojo spelling despite the logic of what it means)
Part of the problem here is they don't see to be actually reading anything I post and have locked more questioning and figuring out what is going on posts as me making statements. Initially all I had to go one was the 2 year gap. To which this looked very much like a panic to hold on to the series, but as more post were made that brought up more detail my stance shifted. But mistery has very much locked in and forced what he thinks my initial stance was and has twisted it. Not sure why he keeps claiming I think this was about money, I stated it was probably pride based. Why he claims I said they stockpiled, when I said that they rushed over the 30 days to get the translation done to catch up and overtake. My stance isn't even really a thing, I was mostly just finding out and poking holes in what didn't make sense, like the comment that no one in their discord knew for months that chapters restarted, that is. As well as that information was kept very secluded by only posting on discord. If anything is a stance of my its the comment I maid that they should put a update in the start or end pages talking about the plan going forward.
I mostly just wanted to know what was going on, but it got escalated by getting cornered and attacked for asking questions.
You asked me what my stance was, there isn't one, never was because I was not making a stance, I was questioning and finding out what was going on, but do to being forced to justify my questioning my questions were escalated into statements and stances. When you force someone to justify a question comment it forces it to be said more firmly. He kept adding things to what I had said, and kept admonishing me for what I had said, killing the discussion and preventing further discussion as well as cementing what I said as more than what it was. Blocking my questioning and shutting it down while twisting my questions into attacks. Railroading me into standing my ground or giving up, then poking others and roping them in to also jump on.
My first set of comments are all of the "so do I have this right" type which is why they kept evolving as more info was said. So yeah I am pissed at him, I was forced to protect my questions till this point and stand my ground to be allowed to ask them and justify them. He manage to completely shift perception on me and make me some villain making statements and stances to everyone else, which resulted in others jumping on me as well.

Edit, misery is now stalking and making sure to strike my comments. along with a few others, looks a bit like brigading.
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