Now this.....THIS is a cute manga. The plot is interesting, and while I agree that the pacing is too fast, it's pretty relaxing to read. I hope to see more of this in the future!
How far away is Sea Wales from the starting Kingdom? This manga needs a supplementary chapter.
Also why did one random trip to the beach lead to a move? Shouldn't Fenrir have known about the nice kingdom?
With my usual knowledge of manga the mama fenrir is gonna turn into a beautiful woman and ara ara his ass, but from the other reviews looks like that's not gonna happen, good
Vraiment très très bon manga je suis étonné qu'il n'y est pas de traduction francais assidu sur une histoire aussi belle. J'attends la suite avec impatience. Si vous avez des infos ou que vous voulez un coup de main pour la trad. VA VF je suis preneur.