Heavenly Jewel Master

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@Uthred It should be noted that it's almost never purposeful... it's usually accidental or something; like a drug making the MC go crazy or the mc and girl will die if he doesn't f*** her to cure their poison...

I read hundreds of these novels and only in 2 was there purposeful rape, in one, the girl tried to have the MC raped so in revenge, he rapes her (MGA)... the other one, the MC goes completely out of character and rapes a woman... for reasons that make absolutely no sense... but these novels are often not edited and the author of that specific novel has an author that seems to hate women... like... a lot (I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World)

So yah, they don't usually purposefully rape.. it's usually them being controlled or something forcing them against their will with the MC then usually hating themselves afterwords...

It's still stupid... like... majorly stupid... but yah... they usually don't purposely rape and technically, the MC could also be considered a rape victim as well since it's outside of their control as well...
Jan 4, 2019
Then you must have been reading different webnovels than I was, plenty of them have premeditated rape, have a look at something like "Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife" for example. I think it's also a meaningless distinction, they're fiction so every rape is premeditated by the author. They never add anything to the story and are included because the authors have no clue how to properly handle sexual violence (which is why the fairly abhorrent "rape victim becomes lover" is so common). Now I do agree that in terms of dislike for the actual character them being basically victims themselves doesnt put me off the character as much. But it does tend to put me off the author and the work in question so at the end of the day for me it feels like a distinction without a difference.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
I pity the ending of this novel was so rushed and the last 3rd of it had no where near the quality of the first 2/3.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Rape always adds something to stories, smh. It adds fap material, because sometimes I’m too lazy to go to nhentai or hanime.tv.
Jul 14, 2020
to me, even dumber that actual r*pe , is justifying the r*pe, like how desperate is the author? f*ck all desperate i guess
at least actual r*pe means something, when it's justified they just ignore the f*ckedupness even harder. Whereas in the other cases they just don't even try and/or just use some self-righteous set-up and excuse.

And bullshit about the mc being a victim, it's impossible for them to ever get physically hurt by it in the way it's done in every novel (while women, even if they aren't physically abused have a hard time due to being a virgin and the guy going ham, which is undoubtedly physically bruising anyways) ,

And who the hell can make a case that the guys were ever not actively pleased and enthusiastic about doing it with the hot girl who turns him on? did the dudes even once, seem like they went through something traumatic? and It's always just forgiven with the most amazing excuse, "because she like magically loves him now",

F*ck consequences. yeah? , honestly, I'm not even bitching about it , i'm just literally saying,

It's just actually worse than the plot of a third rate porno, it's wish fulfillment is what it actually is,
i don't always jump to that, but this sh*t happens way too often for it to not be that, it's some weird r*pe fetish combined with faithful b*tches mega fetish isn't it?
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
I think I lost brain cells to the description alone and faith in my country for ever progressing socially from reading the comments
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
I mean, the novel this came from has the "rape victim becomes lover" tag, which only applies when the protag is the assaulter or the assaultee, so the adaptation probably did its best to dispel as much of the stupidity of this application of the trope as possible by turning it into a near-rape instead. It's a famous enough novel that it was going to get an adaptation, and somehow we got this fairly readable manhua out of what was fairly unreadable in its original format. You just have to not take it seriously... but then again, if you're into stuff with the trad. Chinese flag attached to it, you're probably used to doing that already.

Sidenote: No tropes are bad, even in this case! The Spanish movie The Skin I Live In basically has the "rape victim becomes lover" tag, and it was actually used really really well. I highly recommend a watch if you're at all into artsy foreign stuff.
Jan 19, 2018
@Nep thank you for your review. I truly enjoyed and it made me chuckle xD. I've recently come across a manga which had the whole isekai setup (~old good for nothing dude hit by truck) but without the isekai part (he stays in his world) and was wondering just what tags/categories I have to ban in my settings to finally not have that trash show up in the new releases list xD. I'm also desperatly awaiting the day mangadex will grant us the opportunity to exclude publications by country of origin... I hope it'll arrive soon, these manhua annoy me so much... If the Chinese were trying to get a western audience for their stories they sure chose the wrong approach. Even if they'd start to release good stuff at this point people will stay away from it assuming it's another trash story. They effectively destroyed their reputation... ^^;

@Solipsist thank you for the spoiler. Something stupid like that has the potential to make me drop a good story, not to mention a mediocre story... And since this is a manhua I don't expect it to even make it to the mediocre level... I'll just opt out before even starting xD

@JustNatsuki mangadex excludes hentai on the release list by default. You can change that in your settings and read hentai on mangadex. You can have fap material with consent in Shingeki no Eroko-san

@sif99 you better not read The Rapeman... XD
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
the only downside i see is that this is done by Soul Land's author
Dec 25, 2019
I'm not a fan of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu since it feels like recycled plots. However, I could recommend this one. Imo this is the author's best work. The second would be Shen Yin Wang Zuo. Sadly the progress of these kinds of manhua is so slow. If you're interested tho, I'd recommend reading the novel. It's definitely one of my favorites.
Nov 17, 2019
This one showed promise early on, but the MC just became more and more retarded. There are moments of logic and insightful character development followed by utterly retarded decisions flying in the face of all he promised and was advised against.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Having one superpowered leg and one normal one triggers the shit out of my sensibilities tbh
Dec 18, 2018
There are some really awful parts of this story.
The rape by the way, though, was because he was under control of the demonic power. It’s still bad, but at least it’s not entirely his fault, though it kind of is. Also the ending is dogshit.
Nov 30, 2020
this is far better than most typical Chinese wuxia stories .The mc is nice and likable. The fl is intelligent and people are quite nice.
Nov 27, 2020
I- is this worth reading? First few chapters are.... ok ish? Is the main character seriously 13? Like bruh this ain’t ok lmao. I don’t like watching 13 year olds grope women... just saying...

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