Obviously it can change, but I doubt it. It's really not that kind of a manga.
The main character is Sumire and she's a "haizanhei" which means a vanquished remanent soldier. In most usage, it goes back to Sengoku, or the Warring States, period. The army was defeated and routed, and the haizanhei usually turned to banditry and other petty crimes to survive because they were most likely stranded in enemy territory and were hunted. Back then, you did not have free travel between regions and needed a special pass to travel. People usually lived and died in a very small area centering where they were born. So being stranded away from home was a big deal, and much more so when you're an enemy soldier. Someone could make money from killing you and cutting off your head. So the author's decision to label Sumire a haizanhei at was the first and most significant clue on what kind of woman Sumire is and where this might be headed to. That is, Sumire is not just a failed idol. Her situation, as a haizansei, is much worse than that. And in recent translated chapters, you get to see just how impossible she is and her situation is. She's incorrigible. She's unfixable. She's like a vanquished solder in enemy territory with no future prospect. Just when you think that she might have gotten her things in order, she goes out and fucks it up.
Yuusei is a fixer. He wants to fix her and bring her back to being someone he admired as a kid. And there isn't any romantic hints yet. Right now, the feeling Yuusei has for Sumire is not love but 憧れ (akogare) which is broad enough to include love but more like yearning respect/adoration. In Western context, look at the Greek concept of the many forms of love. So 憧れ is more "agape" than "eros."
So the manga will have Sumire as a fool or boke, continuing to screw up, and yoyoing between "maybe she's got it together this time" and "oh shit, there she goes again" with the Yuusei as a tsukkomi or a straight man trying to fix her issues. It doesn't preclude this being a love-comedy, and may end up being that by the finish, but the manga as it's set up right now does not need a romantic tension to make it work.