Add loads of veggie (cabbage keeps for a long time, but frozen/canned vegetable is fine), egg is nice too. Switch if up with the veggie and meat so instead of eating all pork for weeks, try fish balls, crab sticks, chicken sausages etc sometimes too.
Also, maybe do try to cook for yourself. Trust me, I'm lazy too and if I have all the money in the world, I would eat out every day instead of eating noodles or cooking but well... It's not the "healthiest" and most freshly cooked etc but I usually cook a load of food during the weekend or on my days off, then put them in containers and freeze them. If I have to chop all the ingredients and wash dishes and pots, might as well use a load of them. Fun fact: I'm known within the market near my house as the one who buy 4-5kg of tomatoes at once lol, make a batch of simple tomato sauce with loads of onion, mushroom, zucchini, garlic too, and freeze. Not that it's a balanced meal but at least I know my tomato sauce doesn't have load of sugar in it.
Btw, if you can get your hand on a slow cooker, as someone who have little time to cook and/or lazy, it's gonna be your best friend.