Henkyou Gurashi no Maou, Tensei shite Saikyou no Majutsushi ni naru - Ch. 39 - Odette Breaks the Spell

Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
Actually that's all she does once the princess arrives. If you didnt notice much of the explanation happened in a time skip afterwhich she apologizes profusely. Then there was talk of an investigation and they moved on. So what more do you want? Does ten more pages of her groveling on the floor before they continue on with the exam sound like a fun read?

I think you need to reread. Odette is the one who goes into explaining what happened in detail, and after the timeslip effect at the start of page 31, the princess says, "Therese Mishl, I want you to explain everything about the plan!" to which Therese says, "Please forgive me Princess Iris! I... I can't tell you the details. .. Otherwise the duchy will..." Odette interrupts saying, "...She probably couldn't go against the order of the duchy." and we then get a final panel of her whimpering on page 32 with, "please forgive me... Lady Odette... Princess Iris..." and that's the last we even see of her in the chapter.

What I wanted is for her to ask for some way to protect those who would be affected were she to give herself up to the only force with greater power than the duke.

You say she could escape at any time with the artifact, yet there she is literally face to the floor practically in tears. Yes her actions are reprehensible, but never once do we see her act out of malice. Only hopelessly pleading for her mistress to comply with her father's orders so her own family isn't punished.
Yes, from the chance of death, as the armband's usage signals the loss of the user in the trial as well. Additionally, one doesn't need to act out of malice to do evil deeds, such as when she used her magic to create a large flash of light and sound and summon that giant wave of monsters.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
I don't want this to be a harem, but if Odette is the one they add I'm fine with it
For now
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
I think you need to reread. Odette is the one who goes into explaining what happened in detail, and after the timeslip effect at the start of page 31, the princess says, "Therese Mishl, I want you to explain everything about the plan!" to which Therese says, "Please forgive me Princess Iris! I... I can't tell you the details. .. Otherwise the duchy will..." Odette interrupts saying, "...She probably couldn't go against the order of the duchy." and we then get a final panel of her whimpering on page 32 with, "please forgive me... Lady Odette... Princess Iris..." and that's the last we even see of her in the chapter.

What I wanted is for her to ask for some way to protect those who would be affected were she to give herself up to the only force with greater power than the duke.
That assumes she can physically go against the orders of her Duke. While just handwaving her condition away as some sort of compulsion is distasteful, it's clear she is not acting of her own free will. The stuttering speech, the bad complexion, the dead eyes, and the lifeless speech pattern. Something is forcing her to carry out these actions, and it's not her sense of loyalty to the Duchy.
Yes, from the chance of death, as the armband's usage signals the loss of the user in the trial as well. Additionally, one doesn't need to act out of malice to do evil deeds, such as when she used her magic to create a large flash of light and sound and summon that giant wave of monsters.
Works both ways, true her actions potentially denies Odette a chance to achieve her goals, but she isn't in any more danger then Mishl. And while I wouldn't characterize her actions as right and proper, with all the supposed safety nets in place, I wouldn't call her actions evil either.

Honestly think your anger is misplaced. Rather then the teenager who was forced to carry out this act of betrayal, you should be directing your angst against the asshole who is pulling all the strings from behind.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2019
If it's Wizardry that's because you strayed past the noob zone into somewhere you're meant to be higher level at (which sometimes the games just don't label it like any other sane games would do).

This is more like a F.O.E encounter from Etrian Odyssey series.
Not to be TOO pedantic, but in the older versions of Wizardry 1 (and in the new remake if you turn the option on) enemies can ambush you AND cast spells on that ambush round. Even weaker enemies can trounce you if multiple spell casters get off AOEs before you can react.

Even without the ambush spellcasting, undead getting the jump on you can end with your team paralyzed and level drained. Or ninja ambushes, oof they can just straight up kill your party with no recourse.
Feb 14, 2024
It's a political marriage. The term itself explains it's for political reasons. The duke gains an ally by forming such a bond with another important family. The majority of noble marriages of this type (children of ruling nobles) used to be political marriages. The same went for a great portion of all marriages in the distant past, for example between the children of successful merchants. Or a wealthy merchant managing to marry their child off to an impoverished noble family by promising financial aid.

Since this is a fantasy world, Odette actually could, theoretically, become so important that allowing her to chase her own career would be more valuable than marrying her off. The duke doesn't seem to have much faith in that, though, instead wanting to have her serve the role of a bride, even if he needs to cheat to speed things up.
Jan 26, 2020
Actually that's all she does once the princess arrives. If you didnt notice much of the explanation happened in a time skip afterwhich she apologizes profusely. Then there was talk of an investigation and they moved on. So what more do you want? Does ten more pages of her groveling on the floor before they continue on with the exam sound like a fun read?

Sorry, but I'm not sorry. It's just become so common for post overfilled with condemnation and vitriol to be from SJWs with little to no concept a different PoV or culture then their own. Especially when it's obvious the target of their angst is under duress and has so little hope of survival.

You say she could escape at any time with the artifact, yet there she is literally face to the floor practically in tears. Yes her actions are reprehensible, but never once do we see her act out of malice. Only hopelessly pleading for her mistress to comply with her father's orders so her own family isn't punished.
Eh I feel like it's more incels than 'SJWs' that seem to jump down any flawed female character's throats.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
That assumes she can physically go against the orders of her Duke. While just handwaving her condition away as some sort of compulsion is distasteful, it's clear she is not acting of her own free will. The stuttering speech, the bad complexion, the dead eyes, and the lifeless speech pattern. Something is forcing her to carry out these actions, and it's not her sense of loyalty to the Duchy.
She is being coerced at best, not controlled. She speaks her mind to Odette just fine, all while forwarding the duke's plan.

Works both ways, true her actions potentially denies Odette a chance to achieve her goals, but she isn't in any more danger then Mishl. And while I wouldn't characterize her actions as right and proper, with all the supposed safety nets in place, I wouldn't call her actions evil either.
Deliberately sabotaging someone's chosen life path to force them to obey someone else's orders is evil. Period. End of story.

Honestly think your anger is misplaced. Rather then the teenager who was forced to carry out this act of betrayal, you should be directing your angst against the asshole who is pulling all the strings from behind.
The fact you think I'm angry, or that I don't blame the duke as the mastermind behind everything, shows that you assume quite a bit more than you should.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
She is being coerced at best, not controlled. She speaks her mind to Odette just fine, all while forwarding the duke's plan.
Nah, practically everything she says comes out sounding defeated. As if she is pleading with a person she knows will not listen, and force her to escalate to near suicidal tactics to follow her orders.
Deliberately sabotaging someone's chosen life path to force them to obey someone else's orders is evil. Period. End of story.
This comes off as if you projecting a little too much. Truely think its coloring your responses.

Frankly I don't see this as being much of a setback. Namely now that it has become apparent her father has broken the agreement, she is no longer bound by it either. Especially with the princesses backing, she could easily cut all ties with the Duke and continue living her own life.

The fact you think I'm angry, or that I don't blame the duke as the mastermind behind everything, shows that you assume quite a bit more than you should.
Welcomes to the interwebs and text based communication. It's not always easy to judge the emotional tone of written content. But frankly most of your comments come off as angry. Specifically when it relates to directing someones path in life. So I feel justified in responding as I have.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
Odette best girl! I still don't like how Alice isn't the great great grandma of the princess, so I'm rooting for Odette.
They shouldn't have killed the monster. Make it so that "Odette die" because of her father stupid scheme and then elope.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Odette best girl! I still don't like how Alice isn't the great great grandma of the princess, so I'm rooting for Odette.
They shouldn't have killed the monster. Make it so that "Odette die" because of her father stupid scheme and then elope.
Chap 24, page 7. Alice quite literally killed herself with the holy sword so that she could be reincarnated alongside MC.

Iris is most likely the great great grandchild of Alice's sister who received MC's blood to fight the same disease MC saved Alice from.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
Chap 24, page 7. Alice quite literally killed herself with the holy sword so that she could be reincarnated alongside MC.

Iris is most likely the great great grandchild of Alice's sister who received MC's blood to fight the same disease MC saved Alice from.
I know, and I dislike that development.
Before that chapter though, when Iris first talked about her grandma and her constitution, the implication was that Iris was Alice's descendant. And I would have prefer if they went with this.

I don't remember if Alice's sister received his blood. In ch 13, he said he only gave his blood to Alice--hence the theory above.

In any case, I'm no longer as excited about this manga because I really hate all those love talk by Alice. I'm only continuing this for Odette and Martha.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
I know, and I dislike that development.
Before that chapter though, when Iris first talked about her grandma and her constitution, the implication was that Iris was Alice's descendant. And I would have prefer if they went with this.

I don't remember if Alice's sister received his blood. In ch 13, he said he only gave his blood to Alice--hence the theory above.

In any case, I'm no longer as excited about this manga because I really hate all those love talk by Alice. I'm only continuing this for Odette and Martha.
Yes, he only gave his blood to Alice since Alice's sister was born after his death. Alice was the one who gave blood to her sister since he theorized that his blood changed Alice which was then later confirmed when he gave a less amount to Iris and it instantly made her able to use a version of his blood. With his blood, Iris became immortal so having a diluted version of that blood (going from Alice to Miia) explains why instead of immortality they were just granted longevity and youthful appearance.

Personally, if Alice was the g-g-grandmother it would dilute her character since despite her overzealous affection for him she easily just left and married another man after his death would bring into question the strength of her feelings and she would 100% still be alive out there somewhere.
So I rather like that it was instead her sister who became the beautiful and smart commoner who worked her way into nobility and her family later into royalty. While Alice kept to her promise to be by his side even if it was through reincarnation via suicide.

Hey, you do you. I love Alice as much as Martha. Yandere as she is, she has a very strong sense of character which is also why I love Odette who has an even stronger sense of character.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
Personally, if Alice was the g-g-grandmother it would dilute her character since despite her overzealous affection for him she easily just left and married another man after his death would bring into question the strength of her feelings and she would 100% still be alive out there somewhere.
Well, that's exactly my problem. She was a freaking kid, and her overzealous affection just doesn't make sense. Not to mention she reincarnated in less than a year after MC died, meaning she has yet reached adulthood in both life. Where did she even get overzealousness from? Imo the writing just doesn't make sense. (I would have easier time to accept the story if the timeline was shifted, like if MC was killed when she was already an adult, but keep everything the same.)

And MC isn't just her parent figure. He's the parent figure of her grandparents.
I do enjoy a successful forbidden love story. But this is one where I prefer if she were to just marry someone else.

Oh well, no use complaining though since this is the story we get.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Well, that's exactly my problem. She was a freaking kid, and her overzealous affection just doesn't make sense. Not to mention she reincarnated in less than a year after MC died, meaning she has yet reached adulthood in both life. Where did she even get overzealousness from? Imo the writing just doesn't make sense. (I would have easier time to accept the story if the timeline was shifted, like if MC was killed when she was already an adult, but keep everything the same.)

And MC isn't just her parent figure. He's the parent figure of her grandparents.
I do enjoy a successful forbidden love story. But this is one where I prefer if she were to just marry someone else.

Oh well, no use complaining though since this is the story we get.
Overzealous emotions (whether it's love, hate, whatever) from a kid makes perfect sense, as adults we learn to (some unsuccessfully) tone that shit down. When a child is really into something, no one bats an eye. When an adult does it, most of the time they are given not so positive labels. Where did she get the overzealouness from? Who knows. Could have been because he's two biggest supporters/followers are her parents?

He isn't her parent figure, you could definitely say that about her parents since iirc he raised them after their parents died but her? No, she had two perfectly good, living parents. He's the lord of that land and a beloved one at that. Plus he's also their teacher, doctor and mentor. If anything it's a forbidden love story between student and mentor, but she clearly never saw him as a parent figure.

Nah, complain all you want. Listing likes and dislikes is a healthy way to enjoy things. Otherwise you'll just be a overzealous fan or hater.

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