Eeeh really, this chapter could have been mightily condensed.
Oh no, there was absolutely no way to condense this, because we had character development for just about everyone here.
With Martha, we see a bit of the roots of her resolve, and her worries about being able to keep up with Yuuki. Because how can she be a good and faithful servant if she can't at least cultivate a fraction of the power Yuuki has?
Note that this is like the "MC Was Fired From The Hero's Party" plots where it happens on more amicable terms - where both the MC and the Hero know they can't keep up with the rest of the party, so for the MC's sake they need to part ways. If Martha can't keep up with the party? She knows that Yuuki
will force her away, and all for her own sake.
For Kielce, we learn that while he was indeed full of himself and a bit foolish, he would never in a million years would have gone through with that plan had he known the true nature of Geier's spell. And also, the horrified look on his face the moment he realizes: Yuuki is right and the Elysium Temple very likely has agents in either his house, Geier's, or even both.
With Odette, we get to see a bit more of just how well she knows Princess Iris where she prompts Yuuki into making that proclamation about protecting her...
...And then the delightful turning of the tables where Yuuki accurately guesses that Iris is hinting about her past life as Alice, but Odette, not knowing about this, misses entirely and prompts Yuuki instead to make another proclamation about no one else coming before Iris.
And then we get to see that Odette is not someone who is going to be willfully ignorant as she suddenly realizes something is up and promptly makes Iris spill the beans (behind closed doors, of course).
And then there were other delightful touches as well, like Iris suddenly showing that she's got that Whim of Steel where she goes
(I absolutely love moments like these - where the normally sweet and charming character makes everyone present remember that she can and will make your life "interesting" if you don't chill out.)
I'm honestly kinda disappointed with LHT because they let a perfectly good opportunity for a Jojo reference slip by - the katakana above Iris's head was the onomatopoeia for "MENACING".
And then, of course, there was the previously mentioned spilling of the beans - where Iris tells Odette she has memories of a past life, as well as providing the evidence that will prove it. And now, Odette is fully on board the conspiracy train. Choo-choo motherfuckers.