Ah, I like this one a lot. Very good tone and setting, not overly egregious with the cliches, and decent interactions. I would’ve appreciated the Brave house staff to be fleshed out a bit more besides Sebas, but I’m assuming they will do that later on a summer break or something. No additional Onyx moments Sadge
There is a very neat trend happening here, even though there are only a few chapters, in that almost everything is fairly straightforward in rationale and explanations. A concrete cause to the villainess’s apparent rage, the person causing it, etc. One thing that hasn’t been described is how the eff the MC’s family, being as busted as it is, was all taken down during the war. Though I assume that’ll come later when we delve deeper into the MC’s backstory.
Thanks for your work on the translations!!! You’re doing a great job! I do agree that you could switch up the font choice as others have said, but I’m just happy to have been introduced to this in the first place with your translation ColorNoob.