@definitionofinsanity It's your fault for making me do this... let us debate.
Oh. Great. We'll have slower releases (that are, albeit, better quality) that are hidden behind a paywall
How do you know? Do you work at Fakku? There are also legal services that are free. Crunchyroll allows you to stream free with ads as an example.
And with the money goes into it having questionable amounts actually getting into the hands of the creator(s) of the work.
I don't know about you but I rather get paid "a questionable amount" rather than none at all because my work got stolen my pirates. Plus, if the creators are complaining I'm pretty sure they can get a lawyer. This is getting into the legal sides of things, of course.
Taking a quote from Noble's video, the otaku community is getting more mainstream and there need to be more ways for anime, manga, hentai, doujins, and literally everything else to reach fans all around the world. Crunchyroll used to be a pirating site until they decided to change and make money the legal way. Fakku was there as well and when it changed, legal doujins and hentai games can be aqcuired. This has a great potential for hentai to become legal, and it's not that bad. Imagine going to an anime con and you are now able to visit a HH booth right next to Fakku's where you can support them as well as your favourite companies/creators/whatever, whoever.
Please reply emotionally.