Hide the notification blue dot 2 :rejected: 2

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Aug 8, 2018
Apparently I wasn't clear enough....

BECAUSE I/users cannot readily create a ublock rule to block the blue dot, and BECAUSE I/users cannot disable the blue dot, I thought it would be nice to make the following SUGGESTION to include a site-wide option to disable the blue dot and any other graphical or iconographic notification-related indicators. Iirc there are two such indicators, first the blue dot, and second a blue circle with a white textual number enclosed upon expanding the site-wide hamburger menu. I presume one could set a CSS variable via Javascript to true or false, then let the hidden CSS property of the notification icon be a boolean and of the extant variable and the new suggested variable... I cannot recall how to do this, but iirc it might be something like this.
.notification-icon {
  hidden: or(var(--currentDisableNotificationVariable), var(--mySuggestedUserVariable));

To be more pedantic, I have no idea how site-settings work, but the flow would presumably be something like this:
0. The site loads. The css's name of the suggested variable is set to false by default (notifications show if there are notifications to show).
1. User clicks button to toggle-on notification hiding.
2. Clicking that button triggers a function to change the new css variable. This function checks the site-local storage (or whatever is used) for true/false on the site-local storage's name of the suggested variable. This function sets the css's name of the suggested variable to true.
3. Browser's css engine automatically picks up on this and hides the notification icon(s).
4. On move to a new page, as part of page load-up, the same javascript function is explicitly called and go-to step 2.

Given: Notification icon(s) and no easy way to disable them

Suggestion: Add site-wide option to disable them.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
So you want to make posts but don't want to interact with any of the users who might respond to your posts?
Why not just...not post at all then?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Apparently I wasn't clear enough....
Not at all. If anything, it's our mistake for overestimating the resourcefulness and comprehension of a user who places importance on removing the primary indicator of dialogue on this site, even more so when taking into account the fact that any @'s directed toward a user are reactionary by nature, i.e. you only get a notification if you post in the first place.

It took all of two seconds to block the "blue dot" from the site.
>have uBlock Origin installed and activated on MDex
>have a visible blue dot notification (either by having someone @ your username or @'ing yourself in a post (which can be edited out immediately after))
>right click the blue dot
>click "Block element..."
>click "Create" in the uBlock popups
The filter it automates:
##.dropdown-toggle.nav-link > .text-info.fa-fw.fa-exclamation-circle.fas
You can even copy-paste it into the "My filters" section of uBlock Origin's Settings/Preferences:
! 2020-12-21 [code]htt
mangadex.org##.dropdown-toggle.nav-link > .text-info.fa-fw.fa-exclamation-circle.fas[/code]

Hope this helps. I @'ed you just in case, but I'm sure you'd rather rely on your own memory or a dysgraphically written reminder in the notebook you keep on you every waking hour.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018

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