The problem this series has had is the power-up handjobs intermingled with silly daytime-drama.
The second the series went from 'how can I outwit this opponent?' to simple 'I'm faster AND stronger'. The story also suffers from his perspective along with other side characters since we kept doing stupid flashbacks for every phone call. It makes more sense to simply instead have everything happen in real time while switching between everyone. Then let's also talk about how a majority of the 'villain' characters are comical at best. I mean look at them! The first one is the police officer who wants to rape, the second is the Doctor who I won't even get into - the whole character makes no sense (I mean he WAS a Doctor, the reason they gave in-universe for his bullshit was nonsense), the group that tried to put a mask on Yuri who had miraculously gathered roughly a group of 10 with well-equipped gear BUT NEVER encountered a strong mask (literally how), Aikawa with the "survival of the strongest"-trope, and now Juo out of nowhere claim that he gets stronger killing people? Since when? Oh is this because we suddenly need a strong opponent to match Riku so we have something to do? What's his viewpoint? He just wants to kill for fun!
I mean does every villain have to be comical? The Admin at least seems to be a decent foe, but I'm sure his logic is going to be fucking retarded. Mark my words.
- Sniper-Mask turning into secret family member was annoying, why couldn't he just be a cool senpai? How come after his hibernation Sniper-mask was suddenly completely normal? Did the Author forget he wasn't manipulated and his mask wasn't defective in the same way that Nise's was? Nise never had the suicide-command like Sniper-mask and she also was never forced to wear a mask AND she didn't have the urge to attack people. Also how was Sniper-Mask linked to Kuon? It was implied that the manipulator and angel were linked earlier, but these two didn't have similar wavelengths, so how did that work? Was it the power of bullshit?
- Kuon dying and returning the following chapter was pointless, at least give some time to make it seem real, let's also not forget the whole 'amnesia' thing is a good way for the Author to suddenly allow her to remember something relevant to the plot whenever he deems it.
- Nise getting a free defective mask that hardly backfired since it was easily fixed with no lingering side-effects with ANOTHER boost following that initial one where the only 'downside' is that the program needs to 'defrag' which ends up deleting itself and giving a larger boost to physical abilities. Yeah some downside, you go back to being non-psychotic - wait a minute there's NO downside! And why did Nise even seem sad that the program would be gone???? She was freaking the fuck out about it every time she saw it.
- Yuri getting a faceless mask for free was stupid, why couldn't they simply uninstall the defective mask off of Nise? Or better yet, if they know the general location of the People who are close to God, then why didn't the Gambler tell Yuri to wait for Kuon? It also didn't make any sense why Yuri used the mask the second she got it. Why wouldn't she wait until she was at a safe-location like next to Nise? In which case she would've never had to use it. It was just a free power-up. More importantly why bring up the fact that people don't recall they used the faceless mask?? It seemed like the idea was that one of the Honjo's used the mask unknowingly. Wouldn't it simply make sense at that point to simply have Yuri recall that she had already used it and simply skipped the whole find the mask sequence?
Also why did we even have the arc where Yuri leaves the group to try and save someone? That was more pointless bullshit.
- Riku getting kidnapped and held hostage for almost half the series was boring. Then him conveniently turning stupid and everyone seeing his expressionless face freaking the fuck out (Sniper and Yuri fainted over it). He then ALSO gets a power-up handjob and then Aikawa immediately dies so he's free to do whatever he wants again
I don't understand why Author's get side-tracked and lose the point of the story, then it's like they can't write Antagonists so they write people to simply be evil. It would've made more sense if Aikawa initially WANTED to help. Then we find out that his goal is to change the societal structures in the real world. The Honjo's want to revive everyone. And other people simply want to return.
Then you could have the Admin state that the person who becomes God only gets a single wish. You could do ONE of those three things. If you revive people you can't return.
This causes actual fucking conflict without making anyone seem particularly goofy and pure evil.