Higyaku Danshi Fujisaki-kun

Mar 7, 2019
I'm not trying to pretend like you're doing anything. You *are* projecting.

"you're the type to do this to every manga that irks you just a little"
"You would judge manga by their first chapter and throw out large words like 'abusive' and 'repugnant' like it's nothing."
"It feels like you're the type of person to see another guy in a romance manga and curse the manga for bating NTR even though the guy's just a friend"
"It feels like you've got an easy sense to hate characters. Like joke once and you're like 'this character is the worst!'"

Over and over again, you continue to say stuff like that.
Yes, I feel that the sister is being physically abusive. That's the one thing, the literal only point, you've got right. Everything else has been you just tossing insults my way to try to make me look bad. And what for? Because you think that using the word "abusive" is an exaggeration? 'Cause that seems to be the only sticking point, and that's a really weird obsession over such an incredibly minor detail.
Perhaps I worded my original post somewhat poorly. It's not the she necessarily "is" abusive, but that she "comes across as" abusive, thanks to the weird way in which the author decided to focus on the incident instead of just letting it be a one-panel gag. This is also what I mean when I say that the presentation is bad. It's not a general complaint (though the overall presentation is indeed also bad), it's a complaint about that specific incident and how it's portrayed. Because of it, what was presumably meant to be a brief gag instead comes across as abusive behavior to me.

Yes, how dare I dislike a character for doing a bad thing and causing harm to her family member.
Dec 19, 2018

No response at all how you're the one we're all against?

Again, this 'projection' of ours has evidence with your easy use of the term 'abusive' and 'repugnant'.

You claimed all the characters are 're·pug·nant
Learn to pronounce
extremely distasteful; unacceptable.
"the thought of going back into the fog was repugnant to him"'

Extremely unlikeable, to the point that they're insufferable, when they only had a few dialogue and none of it was too insulting or hurtful.

One of the girls did irk me. The black haired one, but she didn't insult him again

Secondly, are you a child?

Learn to pronounce
engaging in or characterized by habitual violence and cruelty.
"abusive parents"

"Habitual violence and cruelty". Read that again.

The presentation of the throwing of the remote was this:
MC made snarky remark, the girl throws a remote at her, he touches and wipes his nose while the girl dresses.

He didn't struggle on the floor with pain. He didn't cry blood from his eyes.

Are you actually this kind of person? Do you require others to spell out what these words mean to you?

Do you not know what abusive means?

Do you again not understand that this is a manga?

You seem to have edited your original post as well. Wow. Taking off how you called them 'repugnant'
Mar 7, 2019
I haven't edited anything. Hell, you can tell when something is edited because the message will say that it's been edited.
Here's a fun little fact for you: I never called her "repugnant", nor did I claim all the characters were, but I'll do you one better and do so right now: I do find them repugnant, absolutely so.

And no, I didn't particularly feel the need to comment on the fact that the clearly overwhelming majority of a grand total of 3 (THREE!) whole people disagree with me. I really could not possibly care less.

That's also not evidence. That wouldn't even classify as circumstantial evidence. It is projection, by definition. You can't just say that because you feel that I'm exaggerating that I'm also [all of those other random things you've accused me of being], including now also further insulting me by calling me a child.

Literally all you're doing is tossing random insults my way and pretending as though you've somehow presented an argument. This dictionary definition would-be argument you're trying to present doesn't even qualify as an argument either, since all you're really saying is that you disagree with my assessment of how that scene comes across, and you're doing so in spite of the fact that I made it explicitly clear that my interpretation was just that: my interpretation. It came across that way "to me", as I said.

I couldn't possibly care less if you disagree with my assessment, nor do I care about what you think of this series or the characters within it. You're clearly going to do nothing but lob insults my way and I really do not want to deal with that any longer.
I am done trying to talk to you.
Feb 5, 2020
I like it, it's pretty good for me, at least. no Kappa. Don't mind the drama below, just read and judge it for yourselves.
Feb 19, 2020
"...romance but, his big breasted sister and her friends..."

Ah yes, the defining feature of this onee-san, her huge f'ing boobs.
Feb 19, 2020
To be totally honest, the plot is good, and the art is REALLY good. Idk why but I just like this style.
Group Leader
May 16, 2018
Character faces don't bother me at all, it's a good manga in my opinion.
The mangaka still has room for improvements in the art department just like how attack on titans first started and then improved later on.
Active member
Jun 14, 2019
Nee-chan clearly has some level of affection towards her brother, but sadly she can't have a chance.
Probably the black haired mean girl would've be the main romance to the mc.

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