Everybody's hating this chapter but I actually liked it. Maybe I'm just too much of a pervert to be turned away by this development, I dunno. Either way this actually doesn't go against her character. I'm pretty sure she's not a thot. She's probably lonely for attention cuz of jackass being the way he is. If these guys actually asked for something absurd or showed up in person she'd probably be like no get the fuck away from me. She doesn't seem like the kinda girl that'd get mind broke by being fucked by the nasty dilf you see in ntr hentai. She just really loves the dude and super depressed because of these developments. I hope she actually finds somebody better and we see her relationship with whoever else progessing smoothly while dumbass is stuck chasing the snow queen bitch. If that does happen it'd be several volumes later probably. Y'all are being to quick to drop this just based on this chapter, give it a chance. The author even censored the nipples, they aren't going to go too lewd I don't think.
Thank you, you’re one of the few people who didn’t immediately start slut shaming the character, and dissing the author as soon as this chapter came out.
I’m going through the series, and seeing people’s reactions to this particular chapter was a bit disheartening. I mean it was to be expected in a way, the moment something “impure” happens in a rom-com, readers tend to overreact to it.
I think you’re right that this doesn’t go against her character because Himegasaki was already shown to be a bit of an attention whore. When she wasn’t getting it from the ML she got hooked on the attention she received from strangers online. This kind of trope isn’t particularly uncommon either, and probably happens a lot in real life too.
Author probably did this as a throwaway joke about Himegasaki being the kind of girl to fall into that, and I think that the rest of the chapters show that she isn’t some kind of slut or anything.