@Siikalahna I don't think you know how the middle ages worked. Peasants didn't work like in our current system. The nobles own their lands and they let families of peasants manage a portion of it. Peasants then pay taxes to continue to ue the land they were given, meanwhile they were allowed to do as they pleased with the land, which means that most people could actually sustain themselves without needing money. Meanwhile nobles had the job the manage the entire land and to create an army to defend it, some even joined a greater army and used their personal army as a part of their troops. It wasn't one sided like it can be nowadays, where you earn your own money and have your "land" and contribute to the government on imposed taxes some of which are clearly abusive(depending on your country). They own the lands, and you only have your money because they let you work for them.
Anyway, Nobles even the corrupt ones were originally way more useful than our current politicians(except when they were working with the enemy for obvious reasons), they(the corrupt ones) were still villains and deserving of a guillotine though.
While politicians, the good ones does their job properly, but the corrupt ones are as bad as the nobles during the Absolutism period, freaking parasites. But unlike Nobles, they can and usually spread their corruption to way more people, they are like rotten apples, they keep spreading their decay to the healthy apples nearby until you remove them all from the basket, the more that fails to happen the more they corrupt until the problem becomes impossible to fix unless you remove the entire basket altogether.
While corrupt nobles rarely acted together unless they shared one common interest. And even then they would still act for themselves.