@Confetti Most of our translators are currently at least N2 level, with some being even higher.
It's definitely rare to get good applicants, and when we were a smaller team, it was rare to get applicants at all. However, as we've grown in size, and worked to produce a level of quality we believe any scanlator should strive towards, we've been able to recruit more and more, which also means picking up more projects that interest our staff.
Most people pick up translating like this as a hobby, a way to further improve their language skills, or simply to contribute to a medium they enjoy, so while yes, it is rare, there definitely are people out there that are both good at Japanese and willing to translate for a team. We appreciate all applicants, and we try to give people feedback even if they don't make it so they can try again in the future, whether it be with us, or even another group, and pick up a hobby we enjoy greatly.