Hoken no Jugyou Kiitenakatta Yatsu - Oneshot

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Bro got his feelings hurt and wrote a whole ass novel on a manga forum lmfao
? I responded to someone responding to me? So I can't respond without it being seen as getting my feelings hurt. Okay then. I hope your assault didn't rattle brain too much. Oh wait.....
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
Honestly this one-shot is kinda bad. I have sympathy for the girl but it's written so black and white. She's the victim that refuses help even when it's obviously spelled out to her and he's the bad guy with no other qualities other than to be the bad guy. We don't know anything about him other than abuser. And she obviously wasn't comfortable with the idea of dating him and is shown to lack any kind of ability of actualization but then suddenly hits him and calls him out in front her entire class because he was sleeping during sex ed and that made her mad? Only for time to pass and basically nothing happens as if that event basically didn't happen. This feels like a woman writing a power fantasy because God dang that turned this one-shot from bad to terrible.
Honestly don't bother interacting. Dude's views on women, assault, and jerking it to underaged anime girls are plain for anyone to see at this point, and all you're gonna get from him now are the typical vile comments you'd expect from any public online forum
And? Did you actually rebuttal his argument? No? You throw your hands in the air basically say "He's weird" and act like that hurts his argument. Dude is right about you you're just a whiny bitch lol. Also vile comments? Like? Dude didn't say anything that could be portrayed as hatred. What, if someone doesn't agree with you it's hatred? That's really dumb.
Jun 18, 2018
Also vile comments? Like? Dude didn't say anything that could be portrayed as hatred.
I replied to that commenter specifically because he had literally just joked about their irl sexual assault. But that and his open loli obsession aren't things that you seem to consider vile, I wonder why that might b- oh, what's this? A comment from you from a month ago? "Personally love thicc lolis, they have combo of cute youthful face and lewd body." I can't possibly imagine why you'd suddenly side with him and think I'm a whiny bitch... this comedy truly writes itself.

That aside, there's honestly nothing wrong with you not liking this oneshot, or any media for that matter! Every work has its flaws, and sometimes you consume content that you aren't the target audience for. Really not a difficult concept. But losers like you indulge yourselves in isekai and booba content which are pretty much the most base-level male power fantasies that comprise a massive portion of this website, and then show your asses when what you perceive to be a "woman writing a power fantasy" is suddenly just oh-so-terrible writing. It's just so laughably disingenuous, and then you double down with debate-me guy energy, thinking you deserve to be taken seriously. Like, I'm supposed to explain that "emotional" maturity is just a differentiator for the word "maturity" which can refer to both physical and/or mental growth? You expect me to spend time debating the concept of ADJECTIVES?

These past few exchanges have reminded me that comment sections should always be avoided like the plague. Enjoy yourselves out there.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2023
Honestly this one-shot is kinda bad. I have sympathy for the girl but it's written so black and white. She's the victim that refuses help even when it's obviously spelled out to her and he's the bad guy with no other qualities other than to be the bad guy. We don't know anything about him other than abuser.
Are we even reading the same oneshot? The first few page explain that shes attracted to him because he's being nice to her, and her refusing to accept her friend advise is one of the point of the story.
Also, the story is about date rape, of course its going to be a black and white story, do you really think rape is some grey area crime?
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
I replied to that commenter specifically because he had literally just joked about their irl sexual assault. But that and his open loli obsession aren't things that you seem to consider vile, I wonder why that might b- oh, what's this? A comment from you from a month ago? "Personally love thicc lolis, they have combo of cute youthful face and lewd body." I can't possibly imagine why you'd suddenly side with him and think I'm a whiny bitch... this comedy truly writes itself.

That aside, there's honestly nothing wrong with you not liking this oneshot, or any media for that matter! Every work has its flaws, and sometimes you consume content that you aren't the target audience for. Really not a difficult concept. But losers like you indulge yourselves in isekai and booba content which are pretty much the most base-level male power fantasies that comprise a massive portion of this website, and then show your asses when what you perceive to be a "woman writing a power fantasy" is suddenly just oh-so-terrible writing. It's just so laughably disingenuous, and then you double down with debate-me guy energy, thinking you deserve to be taken seriously. Like, I'm supposed to explain that "emotional" maturity is just a differentiator for the word "maturity" which can refer to both physical and/or mental growth? You expect me to spend time debating the concept of ADJECTIVES?

These past few exchanges have reminded me that comment sections should always be avoided like the plague. Enjoy yourselves out there.
I'm sorry but how do you know I even read isekai or "booba" content. I avoid most isekai story because they're boring and "booba" content? Like? You have the time to look up my past posts but don't have the time to see what I've actually read. Who is being disingenuous now. Also again someone liking lolis has nothing to do with the current conversation stop bringing it up like it matters. Because it doesn't. It's like you do realize someone could like lolis and agree with you. Get over yourself. And I only agree with the dude on the one-shot. His behavior here I half agree half don't.

Ye that joke about the assault was bad but looking at the chain the dude was just responding in kind imo. If your going talk trash to someone maybe not open yourself to attack by talking about your personal trauma and then shitting on someone responding seriously to a response to them. I'm not saying he should've I'm just saying you gotta be careful on what you reveal unless you don't care then that's another thing entirely. Disingenuous how? I just don't like bad writing that takes away from overall theme or message.

Emotional maturity is just bullshit fake science. I think the fact you can't even argue for it's reality says enough. Good luck in the future I think these exchanges I've read with you have shown me people like you get super emotional someone disagrees with you or responds to you how you respond to them.
Are we even reading the same oneshot? The first few page explain that shes attracted to him because he's being nice to her, and her refusing to accept her friend advise is one of the point of the story.
Also, the story is about date rape, of course its going to be a black and white story, do you really think rape is some grey area crime?
She's not. She's happy he helped her with bullying but she's unsure if she really likes him romantically and needed a day to think it over. She only said yes because she felt pressured to because she has no spine. Read the story again before you make shit up.

Ye her refusing advice from friend is one of the reasons the whack makes no sense imo. If she's shown to not listen and make excuses I don't expect a girl like this to suddenly get her triumphant victory in public like that. And no there is no gray area in rape I don't even know how you assumed I thought that. I'm just saying the story is written so badly that I just can't take it as seriously as I'm supposed to. I still feel bad for the girl I just think this story just isn't good in getting the message across.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
It wasn't commented on because it wasn't a miscarriage, she got her period suggesting she didn't need to worry about pregnancy and that she was okay in the end. The manga specifically says "one month later."
Missed that bit. It seemed like a lot, so I went to miscarriage rather than period in that case.
(When it's that time I just take no chances...)
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
Honestly this one-shot is kinda bad. I have sympathy for the girl but it's written so black and white. She's the victim that refuses help even when it's obviously spelled out to her and he's the bad guy with no other qualities other than to be the bad guy. We don't know anything about him other than abuser. And she obviously wasn't comfortable with the idea of dating him and is shown to lack any kind of ability of actualization but then suddenly hits him and calls him out in front her entire class because he was sleeping during sex ed and that made her mad? Only for time to pass and basically nothing happens as if that event basically didn't happen. This feels like a woman writing a power fantasy because God dang that turned this one-shot from bad to terrible.

And? Did you actually rebuttal his argument? No? You throw your hands in the air basically say "He's weird" and act like that hurts his argument. Dude is right about you you're just a whiny bitch lol. Also vile comments? Like? Dude didn't say anything that could be portrayed as hatred. What, if someone doesn't agree with you it's hatred? That's really dumb.
I don't think the story is written badly. Yes, the portrayal is rather token-ish and superficial, but it gets the message across well: an insight on the case of sex abuse in a relationship through the PoV of the victim (which is a girl in this case).
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2020
This poor girl and everyone around her sucks. She was manipulated to hell and when she briefly had people who cared to try to help she dropped them and they didn't care enough. Also, I'm guessing the ending was she had a miscarriage and thankfully was able to live her life?
it wasn't miscarriage. it was just her time of the month. Normally girls have to regularly change their pads in the dead of the night because it gets filled up very quickly. Its pretty normal, rather its implied here that she is still 13 and its her first period.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I came here to make a joke about "Sex-ed self-study class? We all know what that means :huh:", only to discover that the comment section was being serious and talking about the actual substance of the manga and how the themes it touches upon exists in reality, instead :shamihuh: ...Well I will abstain from being serious and make the joke anyway!
This is all because bro didn't pay attention in sex ed :facepalm:
I think he would've if it had been 'self-study'~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
This type of manga with this level of art and writing will become more and more common. Welcome to the new normal, I guess.
It's nice how no attention was brought to the fact that this was also a her problem, who let it get to this point, except for when her friends were saying it and treated like villains for stating the obvious.
The guy is a whole strawman that got what he deserved, and then more.
This is just projection and therapy for the author, I guess.

It's written from the girl's PoV, so I think it only makes sense why there is a lack exploration of how the circumstances also comes from her own inabilities. Heck, I even think it is still explored well within the context; the friends even commented on her situation when she got dropped by the boy: she's the one who got herself into it, so she's the one to get herself out of it.

She is 15-16 years old max. How tf is she supposed to know what a toxic relationship is? She never had been in a relationship before. These 2 (and other comments somewhat) are literally the definition of victim blaming.

Spoiler alert: her brain isn’t fully developed. Yes her friends tried to warn her but be honest with us, we didn’t ALWAYS listen to everything our friends said. Notice how she finally realized it after the teacher said it. Yeah that means something if you think about the pages before it.

”don’t go out at night” kinda logic how about “don’t fucking rape“ instead.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
She is 15-16 years old max. How tf is she supposed to know what a toxic relationship is? She never had been in a relationship before. These 2 (and other comments somewhat) are literally the definition of victim blaming.

Spoiler alert: her brain isn’t fully developed. Yes her friends tried to warn her but be honest with us, we didn’t ALWAYS listen to everything our friends said. Notice how she finally realized it after the teacher said it. Yeah that means something if you think about the pages before it.

”don’t go out at night” kinda logic how about “don’t fucking rape“ instead.
I don't blame anyone, though. I just wrote what happened in the manga.
Double-page supporter
Dec 7, 2023
She is 15-16 years old max. How tf is she supposed to know what a toxic relationship is? She never had been in a relationship before. These 2 (and other comments somewhat) are literally the definition of victim blaming.

Spoiler alert: her brain isn’t fully developed. Yes her friends tried to warn her but be honest with us, we didn’t ALWAYS listen to everything our friends said. Notice how she finally realized it after the teacher said it. Yeah that means something if you think about the pages before it.

”don’t go out at night” kinda logic how about “don’t fucking rape“ instead.
I believe it was heavily implied that it ended with her first period, so she should be even younger (thought, it's a drawing, so no real age), and so are her friends, but her friends wouldn't be in that situation.
She spent three months with a guy she doesn't like doing his every whim, a normal guy would misunderstand, let alone an evil one.
The logic of "don't go out at night alone" exists for decades, and it's in recognition of evil existing in the world. It's a protection measure by normal people against bad people. A recognition of reality, including the differences between men and women's physicality.
The whole "don't rape" thing is cool and all but it doesn't work in reality, it's like telling criminals to not do crime, they don't care to hear you. The people who pay attention to you already don't do it.
This ends up applying to a lot of things, but at the end of the day, it ends up hurting more the people who hear it than the people who don't. In this case, women lose their sense of self preservation, and men start caring less about someone they see as "throwing themselves into an abyss despite all the warnings".
What actually helps is having less reckless people and harsher punishments, something society somehow has moved away from.
Cautionary tales help, but this one hits wrong for me, it teaches girls to be cautionary of all men (by virtue of having the girl go from being bullied to being in a toxic relationship - ignoring the fact she had three months to realize and jump off), while portraying evil as if it's overt. When in reality you would not really know a piece of shit is a piece of shit until you pay attention or it's too late. In fact, the people that like to portray themselves as paragons of virtue, being too perfect, often should be ones you get more cautious of.
Sorry about the long response. TL;DR: The friends wouldn't be in her position, she lacked self-preservation, and evil people don't really care about your feelings on their morality. This is all my opinion, and you are free to disagree with me.
... I hope I don't get misunderstood with wild accusations again :meguusmug:
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2018
"It's not like we're macking in front of everyone or something..." (Page 15)
'macking in'? Is that just slang they use? :thonk:

"Since you're a rapist, don't you think you should be be paying attention?" (Page 54)
Damn that build up to this moment was excellent. :thumbsup:
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Oof seems rough but other than shittalking a partner to your friend i wonder how many would say it directly to his face as well or so (since she seems to still have friend despite being 'bullied' as opposed to only isolated with only him)

Great how she was able to hit him and call him out in front of the whole class tho

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