Hokkaido Gals are Super Adorable! - Vol. 5 Ch. 37

Jul 25, 2018
C'mon even the MC doesn't understand his feelings for Dosanko either. So this is the perfect setup. Chica is going to confess. He's suddenly going to pop his head out of his ass and apologize to her crushing her heart. He's going to become super WOKE and realize the feelings he has is for Best Girl Gyaru - and then more confusion will ensue for another 100 chapters.

I'm not mad - just tired of these types of drama scenarios. It's not like he's gonna be OK sure - lets go play video games into the sunset. That'd be way to straight forward.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2019
Imagine, just imagine if the "first girl that MC meets is the one he ends up" trope get's shattered in this manga... Oh man I can only hope.

PS: If you know mangas where this happens , please PLEASE mention me along with the title
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 21, 2019
Imagine having expectations... If love if the author make her win instead of the female mc, would be good for a change of main girls.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
That's very rare. Most authors wuss out. But one anime if you have not watched it yet would be Shuffle, for example.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
How hilarious would it be if we find out in a later chapter that Fuyuki took that candid photo of Sayuri so she could play some 4D chess and put her into check by uploading that photo onto her Insta or Line or any other social media profile she has under the guise of "innocently uploading a cute photo of her and her friend hanging out after she came back from Korea", but in actuality she did it in response to Sayuri's formal war declaration of confessing to Shiki at the fireworks festival. She tricks her and the readers into thinking that her feelings are exactly what she tells Sayuri and the readers at the restaurant, when really we all know how she feels, even though she doesn't realize it, since this may be a romcom, its still published by Jump, and therefore has some shonen to it, further proven with the "I levelled up my techniques in Korea" comment and her battle pose while holding her make-up/weapons lmfao

Anyway, she plays innocent and unsure to Sayuri, but then after she does her make-up and pretty's her up, she sneaks that snapshot of her, and then uploads it to social media. Then the next phase of her plan is enacted by having the photo spread amongst the students because Fuyuki is such a people person that she pretty much has literally the entire school in her friends list, and because the entire student populace saw Fuyuki's "finally back in Japan" post, and said post being of Sayuri after Fuyuki uses her Korean make-up technique upgrade, everyone begins to think Sayuri is super hot, like that episode of South Park where the girls start using photoshop to edit their selfies the way the Kardashians do with all of their photos and not just their magazine photoshoots. Which then leads to lines of guys from the school, and even guys not from their school, to start confessing to her all day every day, thus leading to her being unable to get any time with Shiki, be it alone or in general, as Shiki's too much of a nice-guy/pure and innocent/soy boy beta cuck (lol jk)/docile dude that he would likely just leave it to her and not forcefully get involved, and this continues all the way through to, and even past, the fireworks festival, thereby causing Sauyri to completely miss the deadline she herself set for both herself and Fuyuki, meanwhile Fuyuki laughs her manical supervillain laugh as she hijacks Shiki and keeps him all to herself, even though she probably still wouldn't have worked out her feelings for him yet even though she could have used this time to do so since her attack would have been meant to buy herself time to sort through all that lol

On another note, I feel like if Fuyuki joins the fight just to compete with Sayuri after she called her out and challenged her by even setting the fireworks festival as the deadline/face-off, if Fuyuki hasn't sorted out her own feelings for Shiki by then, then it would only just hurt their relationship in the long-run, cause either Fuyuki will realize her feelings weren't romantic, and lead to her breaking up with Shiki, who clearly has some romantic feelings for her considering he cried when he learned she was leaving before learning it was only for two weeks, and even after learning that, he still came after her at the airport to give her her hairclip back, that shit is more than enough confirmation for romantic feelings and even Fuyuki herself used it as a test to begin with lol but point being, if she doesn't sort out her feelings for him before they end up dating, it could lead to disaster, cause she would end up dating him and ditching him after she realizes they weren't romantic, or just stay with him out of pride/stubborness/obligation and then end up resenting him and their relationship slowly fizzling out and slowly losing its soul and turning them into those couples/families that have been together since high school even though everyone wonders why they haven't just divorced or broken up by now since they clearly resent each other lmfao

Either way, I like my first theory better. Fuyuki for 4D Chess playing Supervillainess FTW lmfao
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2019
I don't know why they gotta declare it like a war. If the dude has no feeling for you. Telling another girl that you gonna confess is basically suicide lol.
Sep 18, 2019
Well that was unexpected. After Fuyuki got crushed by the MC saying that their "couple picture" made them look like good friends, you'd think she'd have a good idea of her feelings.
She also doesn't seem the type to "run away" from her emotions.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
Remember what Shiki said in the first chapter? He likes tidy serious black haired girls. Sorry Sayuri, your role in this manga is only to make Fuyuki's victory even greater by losing despite being Shiki's type.
Aug 15, 2020
@Skullcarver the quintessential quintuplets is the first series that came to my mind.

Physically, say ur in is his type. But I think he’s grown fond of fuyuki, even though she might not be his type.

Personally, I think both are great in their own rights; I like how sayurin grew so much lately. But if we’re following the traditional first/main girl wins, then I’m afraid it doesn’t matter how much she’s grown because fuyuki has plot armour. If fuyuki does win, I hope it’s because she deserves it and not just because of plot armour (first/main girl).
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I remember reading a manga where the female lead was confessed to by the 3rd wheel dude (who she wasn't in love with) and became his girlfriend for the rest of the series. And why did she agree to be his girlfriend instead of the male lead who she clearly liked more? "Because I didn't have any reason to refuse." At this point, there is zero romantic reason for Shiki to reject her confession since he doesn't have the balls to confess to Fuyuki. Even if he were to ask Fuyuki what he should do, she would only ambiguously tell him that she thinks that he would be happy.

I think everyone wants a harem for this manga...

And you are dead wrong. I would never have started reading this if it had been properly tagged as "Harem" from the get-go, and do not want to see a harem ending.

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