Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! - Vol. 6 Ch. 49

Jan 14, 2021
Imagine wasting your life away eating, defecating, sleeping and repeating on your deathbed. Not being able to see your child grow, only seeing him occasionally. I can see why she as a character, as a mum, still thinks that her son still leaks on his bed whenever he sees a shadow of the boogeyman.
But dragging unrelated people in and going as far as arranging marriage without realizing that her son is not the 7 y/o she thinks she is and she is not controlling what toy he gets but a life partner is going a bit too far.
She is at fault, but the family around her does not have holy water running through their veins either.

All I would say is that I wish we could’ve gotten a little more material to read, but that’s okay because we’re gonna get there eventually.
I just hate waiting.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
This manga just gets worse with every new chapter holy shit what is this melodramatic bullshit
Jan 4, 2021
uhm can we get back to the cute gyaru and the shy boy romance stuff?? 😅

I kinda hope his mom like... finally dies of her illness or something 😊
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2019
Ehmmm so Shiki is a Mommy's boy? That's it? that's the advance of this series? At least some handholding or something
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
How the fuck is his father and dickheadgranny not having a say to any of this bullshit situation. What a shit writing honestly. This manga used to be good fluff.

End this already u hack
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 24, 2019
I keep wondering the fact how Tsubasa's mother's pupils are just plain black. There's no glare in them at all, and she's the very first character of such eyes. Her demeanor is also very possessive, and you could see that Tsubasa's grandmother even was looking her daughter with worrisome eyes while she was talking about his son in the late chapter.

All things considered, I think those pupils are the author's way of telling us that she suffers from a serious mental disorder, and since she has a lot of authority and power (and just plainly japanese social culture(hierarchy), it's hard for other people to step up, and tell her that she needs some mental help also. Also it doesn't help since it seems she's the head of their family, since her family/she has a lot more wealth than her husband does (or that's my impression at least), so it's even that harder for other people to say how they really think.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
I'm kinda lol'ing at how overboard people are going with sending literal death wishes to a fictional character,

but I too miss the comic fluff I originally followed this series for.

Sep 13, 2018
It is just a little drama added to the fluff. I imagine it will go back to being light hearted, but I personally don't mind a little depth to the characters and a little conflict for the main characters to overcome.
Dec 8, 2020
This mom is so selfish. Let your son pick, he’s an adult ノಠ_ಠ#ノ︵┻┻
Dex-chan lover
Dec 4, 2019
this is a positive manga, so im looking forward to tsubasa helping his mom resolve whatever trust and control issues she has. he's become very reliable since going to hokkaido.
May 1, 2019
I am absolutely disapointed. First off, toxic mother arc is not what I think will do good. As it is now I think Senpai ending is impossible. Right now I think the arc will look like this:
Fuyuki somehow will meet his mother. Mother will say something hurtful. Fuyuki walking around Tokyo thinking. She will meet someone and realize something. She goes to mother. *moving part* Mother changes her attitude and Tsubasa back to Hokkaido. Might be some variables, but it will be like this more or less.

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