Holiday Yasumi's Twitter Shorts - Ch. 421 - Grow up

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
You should see people in charge under communism.
Unless you have a companion Holiday Yasumi comic to this showing a robot gaining self-awareness in the midst of a communist state as a point of comparison, that's irrelevant and you won't drag me into an off-topic argument about economics. Besides, even if I were inclined to argue with you -- the fact I think hypercapitalism seriously sucks doesn't imply that I necessarily think communism is "good". That's an either-or fallacy.'s_Manual_(Southworth_and_Swoyer)/11:_Fallacies-_Common_Ways_of_Reasoning_Badly/11.02:_The_Either_Or_Fallacy

If you want to know what my opinions on this topic are, you probably should ask me instead of assuming. But I'm going to go out on a limb and presume you don't actually care about my opinions and just wanted someone to get mad at, because that's what the internet is nowadays. People getting anger dopamine hits from picking arguments with strangers. It's as if the internet exists primarily as some kind of giant Victorian era opium den for rageoholics. Honestly this current state of affairs is more messed up than any of Holiday Yasumi's comics.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2018
Well, how is she supposed to experience the sheer despair of a soul crushing job if she doesn't have a soul?
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
you won't drag me into an off-topic argument about economics.

You started it.

Your post is filled with fallacies, you are arguing with a straw man in your head.

Go visit a communist country, maybe you learn something.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
You started it.
The comic started it. It's theme is the pain of being a literal corporate drone, which is a condition brought about by cruel bosses who'd give such drones self-awareness so they could suffer. And I pointed out how that kind of cruelty on the part of bosses is common in hypercapitalist society, which is relevant to the comic. I didn't bring up communism because I wasn't proposing alternatives to the system and it's beyond the scope of the comic anyway. If you can't tell the comic is solely about the drudgery of laboring for a corporation (which is an inherently capitalist structure) that's on you. What I'm talking about is on-topic. Communism isn't because talking about a comic about corporate capitalism sucking has nothing to do with the merits or lack thereof of its alternatives.

Your post is filled with fallacies, you are arguing with a straw man in your head.

Go visit a communist country, maybe you learn something.
This is remarkable. You accuse me of straw manning you because... I told you to actually ask my opinion on a topic instead of assuming it? Wow. You're also still attempting to have the off-topic political argument I already said I was not going to have with you. Are you just dense or something? If you attempt to bait me into talking about communism one more time, I'm just going to report your post and move on.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
If you attempt to bait me into talking about communism one more time, I'm just going to report your post and move on.
you have zero justification to "report" him lol. if you don't want to be roped into a discussion, just don't post your opinion on anything. especially not if all it amounts to is "capitalism is le bad"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
you have zero justification to "report" him lol. if you don't want to be roped into a discussion, just don't post your opinion on anything. especially not if all it amounts to is "capitalism is le bad"
I haven't even given my opinion, that's my whole point. I'm being stepped up to because I elaborated on what the comic is saying -- the robot gaining sentience sucks because it'd be better to be mindless in a corporate job. That being the result of hypercapitalism isn't a controversial take, it's not an opinion. It's literally the system we're in and what creates that environment the robot is now suffering in. The only opinion I implied is that I think that system sucks and I feel bad for that robot. Which it does and I do.

There could be an interesting discussion about what it'd be like to be, I don't know, an industrial robot working in a soviet factory or something gaining sentience. And whether that'd be better or worse. It'd be tangentially on topic for the comic. I might even share horror stories I heard from my highschool teacher in 1998 who was an Estonian refugee who had to flee the Soviets. (I'm literally offended Onsokumaru automatically assumed I don't know how bad they were)
Or even how the word "robot" originates from a Czechoslovakian playwright? That could even be on topic.

But again, that discussion can't happen if it's based on being triggered by one relevant politically-adjacent word ("hypercapitalism") and harassing the person for having said it. And harassing people isn't cool and definitely reportable.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
That being the result of hypercapitalism isn't a controversial take, it's not an opinion. It's literally the system we're in and what creates that environment the robot is now suffering in.
The only thing that statement "literally" is, is your opinion. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing "hyper" capitalistic about the current system, it's just regular capitalism and it sucks. But unlike you, I'm fully aware that's just my personal take.

And you're not being "harassed" by anyone. You used a politically loaded term and thought you'd get away with it, instead you got called out and went full redditor mode.
Like I said, if you don't want your beliefs to be shat on, all you gotta do is keep them to yourself.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
The only thing that statement "literally" is, is your opinion. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing "hyper" capitalistic about the current system, it's just regular capitalism and it sucks. But unlike you, I'm fully aware that's just my personal take.
Except it's not just my "take". The harm is measurable and objective. If calling a spade a spade is rocking the boat that says more about the current discourse than it does about me. How the harm should be dealt with -- or even if it should be -- is where opinion comes into play. Or I guess one can have the opinion the harm doesn't exist at all but that's just willful ignorance and I don't indulge that.

And you're not being "harassed" by anyone. You used a politically loaded term and thought you'd get away with it, instead you got called out and went full redditor mode.
Like I said, if you don't want your beliefs to be shat on, all you gotta do is keep them to yourself.
How many times do I have to repeat myself that I haven't even shared my beliefs in any kind of meaningful way? I'm just observing the fact that this comic is about corporate hypercapitalism and that I think it sucks. That's literally it, that extreme surface level thought is literally all that some people need to get in my hair.

Anyways, I think I'm done with this and you can have the last word whatever it is you want to say, whether or not I agree. I can't make my point any clearer. All I'll ask is that you be nice to me because I have no hard feelings towards you.

EDIT: Actually, this is a good indicator as any I need to take a break from the MD forums. I just want to apologize for having been so high-strung.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
How many times do I have to repeat myself that I haven't even shared my beliefs in any kind of meaningful way?
except you did and I told you why twice already. "this comic is about hypercapitalism because I said so" is not a line of reasoning I'll ever take seriously, no matter how many unprompted paragraphs you write.

Also, "be nice" to you? you're the one who threatened to report people over quite literally nothing. lol, lmao even

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