Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-bu 「Hon ga Nai nara Tsukureba Ii!」 - Vol. 5 Ch. 21 - Frida's Hair O…

Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
>so it's ok to rob her and her family of their chance of wealth because they are poor?
He literally just made a trade deal that give her royalties to paper, she IS going to make banks from this.
>so it's ok to rob her because she's financially retarded? (which really is weird seeing as shes a grown as woman in a childs body, you would think she would be smarter)
She's indeed a grown woman, but also one who had no experience in running business, and spent much of her past life trying to (and did, until she died) become a LIBRARIAN.
>so it's ok to block any chance for them to actually become merchants because they aren't already merchants?
How is he blocking her? The shampoo-paper investment was a trade, and Myne have the rights to paper meaning she can go elsewhere if she want.

>sell a large quantity to friends and neighbors,
How will they make that large quantity when Myne herself barely make enough for her own family as is? And if they're selling it to other poor people the profit margin would be even lower.
>once you have enough money contact a merchant and pay him to be the middle man between the guild and yourself....
You know Benno is a merchant, right? What makes a random unknown merchants better than him aside from you assuming that ANY other merchants must somehow be a nicer guy?

>i swear you are so dense, you literally said it yourself HE'S BUYING THE PAPER. he is the one who buys it and sells it along so of course he would invest into it so he could make more money,
And you seem to lack the comprehension that the investment come BEFORE THE FIRST PAPER IS EVER MADE.
> it's not because he's generous or kind it's because he can smell the money coming from it.
And? I don't think I ever argue that he's not trying to make money, pretty sure I've been saying that he IS trying to make money, but that he's treating her quite fair, which you disagree but never properly make proper example aside from some "HE ROBBING HER" that I've already pointed out he's not.

>that "investment" was "payment" for giving him that shampoo rights so he didn't do it because he trusted her or because he took a risk in it, he just paid what he promised to pay even though if it worked that money would just come right back at him....

Seriously, I'll ask you again, WHAT is your definition of a fair deal if you think how he's been treating her is unfair?
Active member
Jun 16, 2018
While comments are apparently devolving into flames wars. I'm just glad this manga got picked up again. This is both one of my favorite, possibly the favorite manga and isekai. If there's a series I want more people to know of its existence, it's this one. So many isekai series this one I feel like it really taking a proper approach to "what would happen if a person from a modern first world country is transported into another world?"

So many seem to that that premise and dump it to be just a pretext a character to be a conduit for someone's fulfillment rather (though it doesn't automatically mean a death knell despite I'm making sound like that). This is not one of them.

But I still kinda want to get involved in this dumb argument.

@Doomer - I'm gonna defer to author's intent here. You can keep interpreting that Benno is ripping Main off. But from the framing of the story, the characterization of the interaction between Main and Benno, and direction of the paneling - the intent is Benno's role is to be a guide for Main's growth into business and a conduit for her inventions to be spread. You might not like terms of the trade. But if he wasn't there - her high-end baskets would remain selling with the other baskets at cheap trinket prices, her 2-1 shampoo would be kept in the family with nothing sold, the few wares she would have would be likely at tiny profit margins despite being luxury-level quality (while needing the money for both her dreams and her family), remain uneducated in the economics of her world, and left completely uninformed of contracts and other things she learned from him. I'm pretty sure if Frida found her first, Main would have given up tons of trade secrets and materials for cookies and a few pieces of cooper with no guidance, materials, connections, or contracts.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2018
Comments reminds me of these
Jan 18, 2018
2 days not online cause of RL, When I open Mangadex, I saw this update altho this series was dropped before.....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@rhoninfire i guess there's where the problem is, that we interpret the story differently. you guys see a nice merchant teaching the MC about business and making some slight money of it while i see a grown ass man manipulating a little girl to make tons of money...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
@CraniumAmbiguity It's not just that it's going to be licensed, it was licensed a couple of weeks ago with Vol 1 publication coming out in May, the current fan translator is going to post to the end of the volume they're in the middle of (vol 4) as a courtesy not to leave everyone hanging, but JNC is moving at a very aggressive pace and plans to release 1 volume of LN every 2 months, so you won't even have to wait a year before the official English publication surpasses what's been fan translated. They have the manga too, but that's moving at a much slower pace of releases and I don't think it's going to catch up any time soon.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Doomer She is not a child in that world. When they turns 7, they have to go to work as adults so you cannot treat them as children. Do you expect him giving money to her and don't expect anything in return? Thing like that won't happen in a poor country. In my country and a lot of other countries, you can see children as young as 6 working to put food in their mouth.
She is lucky she met him. He give her opportunities to sell her goods and to do thing she wants, he even teaches her about this world. She can't sell the shampoo by herself anyway since she doesn't have a store or a connection to the merchant guild. From what I have seen, she can't sell anything without properly register with the guild and obtain their permission. She doesn't even have the stamina or the transport to sell it to other people outside of her area, since around her are only poor families so I doubt she can get much money.
Business is not that simple like you think. It is really complex and people need to study under someone else in order to get the experience to do that themselves so a girl without any experience like Myne can't really do that alone. There is also something called reputation and marketing. Noble won't buy good from an unknown little girl while Benno can help selling the goods to them and make more money than selling it to the poor peasants.
Oct 29, 2018
At least they take the series from easygoingscans when they dropped
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
looks like this group calls her myne
i love shield hero so fuck that name ill still call her "main"
May 7, 2019
@Kampfarsch The correct name is Main. The manga's alphabet can be deciphered (the written language actually translates it into German, believe it or not), and her name in this alphabet corresponds to "Main". There's no discussion. The pronunciation is another story entirely.
May 7, 2019
@Kampfarsch Pronunciation wise I think it's closer to "mine", which is why EGS romanization was "Maïn", so the ï would be like "naïve". But the way to write it is "Main". I say this but I also pronounce it like "Main", due to the romanization. The actual letters bother me more than the actual pronunciation, because it messes how I pronounce the name internally.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
He takes commision for having done nothing?! And even half of their profit? WTF main why do you allow such nonesense... that bastard and the nobles have more than enough money so stop getting ripped off while looking happy... I mean wasn't she a adult japanese women? And knows now the worth of the money? Honestly, I knew that bastard was trash the first time he appeared and tried to steal the recept for the "2 - 1 what did she call it" and her reaction was good she glared back at him, but just on the next meeting she casually presented him the recept for something worth so much that she could easily strike it rich... is the author just doing it to make sure she doesn't gain her books? If so then that's really disappointing...
Jan 16, 2020
@Izaya_Onisai There a reason why there are business courses in university. It's so they learn the do and don't. Main never learn or done business before, even more so that her first is a recluse and her second life is really poor. There a reason why not everyone can do business or become an entrepreneur without experience. Remember that she is not a mary sue, no, she is far from it.

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