Horimiya - Vol. 15 Ch. 114 - Treasuring You

Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Hey man, I find certain piercings icky as all hell too, but my best friend's got holes all over their body and I'd never actually tell them to stop doing whatever they felt about it. Well, maybe make fun of them a lil' bit, but that's what friends are for, right?

Granted, I'm pretty sure Hori's right on the money about past!Miyamura doing it out of a sense of rebellion/moderate self-mutilation rather than just wanting to be "alternative", but that's really not what current!Miyamura is all about, as this chapter makes clear.
Apr 24, 2018
Sigh... I think I'm done at with this manga. I love miyamura and a lot of the side characters, but damn does Hori never grow up! I dislike her more and more every chapter. I get that she has a temper but she never actually has a conversation about what's bothering her. She always just tells people to fuck off and hits them. Then that person has to drag her into talking. She literally said "kill yourself". There have been countless chapters of this same situation but she never grows or develops as a person. What's the point of this story? I have forgotten.
Jan 31, 2018
I knew there'd be some fun, hyper-opinionated comments overthinking this chapter. Y'all never cease to entertain.
Apr 28, 2020
i dont think this is the first time hori has said smth like "k!ll y0urself" and it really doesnt sit well with me. considering that she also knows that miyamuras dealt with such thoughts before, its not cute or funny or quirky that she says such things. i love this manga a lot, but horis been so insufferable as of late
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2019
I think you are all missing the point. I think Hori is against Miyamura getting his ears pierced again because he did them himself. With safety pins. Thats not how they should be done...if he really wanted to keep them, he should have someone do it for him. The fact that he got them while in his slump probably has a play in it too, but with Hori's character, its probably more the fact that doing them improperly could lead to bad side effects. Nothing to do with being Japanese or because she's controlling and whatever other dumb things are being said in the comments.
Feb 27, 2018
lol why mostly dislike Hori though >.< why you guys so serious ._.
this chapter is quite cute tho
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
I'm not a fan of piercings, I used to like thr idea of them more when I was younger but then I got like seven tattoos and it's like yeah, it's about how you see yourself. It's like anything else we do, the clothes we wear, losing weight, looking in the mirror or cutting/dyeing our hair.

It's how I feel I should look, how I want to look and all the things I like and make them part of me.

That said, I do love the pain, it reminds me I'm still alive, the scalpel-like feel of the linework and the burning feel of the filling. Oomph.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
really making me forget why we're supposed to like her. i like tsunderes. i even like violent women. runs in my blood. can't help it.

but this is borderline abusive, homie. she ain't worth this.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2018
Man, it's like hori is getting rid of the miyamura she fell in love with bit by bit and replacing it with her ideals, he's basically unrecognizable now
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
I like his piercings and he clearly still likes them too. I get that he did them while in a low part of his life but it seems he's come to terms with that and has accepted that part of himself.
Maybe I'm biased because I'm riddled with them.
Mar 17, 2019
I love them both so much but Hori getting me mad by changing him so much. Miyamura clearly likes his piercing.
Aug 4, 2019
I think some people are forgetting that Miyamura initially pierced his ears pretty much as a way of self harm and not cause it'd be cool

which is also kinda dumb, but it doesnt seem like the author is implying "piercing = bad"
Double-page supporter
Aug 26, 2018
*Page 9 bottom panel* those piercings looks like its calling bad luck with a neon signs 😨
Group Leader
Jan 29, 2018
I love Hori but sometimes she really has to shut the fuck up and chill.
She goes on about "treasure himself" but then she also hits him?? everytime??
like ????

imagine if it was a guy throwing a tantrum because he didn't want his girlfriend to keep her piercings.
Sure, it might've been something akin a "self-harm" in middle school, but he obviously likes them now. Otherwise, he'd just let them close up after realizing that they were closing. And since he likes them, it's not Hori's place to come up and demand he does what she wants. It might've been different if they went about it another way and civilly talked about Hori's actual thoughts about Miyamura's piercings."

For example, after getting home, Miyamura would casually say that he didn't know she felt so strongly about his piercings. Then Hori would calmly, or a bit emotionally (though not the way she showed in this chapter) explain that she thought piercings were his way of self-harming and she didn't feel comfortable with the idea of her beloved person not treasuring their own body. Then Miyamura would explain that it might've been different in the past but now he has accepted himself and came to love the parts of him that he hated before and that's why he's okay with his piercings and wants to keep them.
It might sound cliche but it's 100% better than what happened in this chapter. Once again Hori is forgiven because she's a cute girl.

Oh yeah, about the kys part. Was she just saying "die"? it's not really changing too much but the impact is really different.

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