I really hate how schools and parents try to push their kid to know what they want to do so early on. They're still fucking kids, how the fuck are they supposed to know what they want to do for the rest of their working lives when they're not even 18? Even in college, people have no idea what they want to do, people change majors a lot inbetween and a lot of people end up working in fields that has nothing to do with what they majored in during college. Rather than trying to force people to choose so quickly, why not create a system where people get to try out different work experiences in different areas that are more practical and realistic towards what it would be like to work in such a field, so that they can make better informed choices for what they want to do down the road? Highschools should really have internship classes for each semester or quarter for people to try out different fields. And people need to stop creating the expectation of having high school students go directly into college after they graduate, sign agreements to tens of thousands to hundred thousands of dollars of loans, to go to schools they're not completely sure about and in majors they hastily chosen without really knowing what they want to do. Better to take time off after graduating from highschool, work different jobs and take time to see what you really want to do. From there on out, you can either pursue a college that's fit for what you want, or pursue an apprenticeship if that's more fitting, or whatever it is that will better fit your job.
Ended up ranting, but goddammit does this really piss me off. Wish someone told me this when I was younger.