Literally came here to say this word for wordit's just so peak.......
"and theres reciepts for all this merch with your signature on it"Not only did they painstakingly CHAIN UP the thing instead of just taking it away, not only did the chain magically fall off from a bump, but also he stored his ID with all of it
Welp, I'm all here for this so I'm ok with suspending/hanging/executing my disbelief. Would much rather have this happen than having the whole "hiding my identity"-arc drag on
There is no romance tag for this mangaProgress in my japanese romcom? Naaah, I shall not get baited
If she sees what's behind the lock, she's ready for the GlockHim: shit she knows
Pulls out Glock
No witnesses
This is a Reiwa romcom, anything is possibleProgress in my japanese romcom? Naaah, I shall not get baited