Exactly. Basically a good character for them is a character who supports their ship, and not a character that brings something different to the table. This a manga where the author where the character explores people's attitudes towards same-sex relationships, including the main characters. Characters generally don't go "Oh, they're lesbians! Okay, I guess..."
At the risk of slightly teasing what's coming, this is an unorthodox manga when it comes to story-telling and character progression. If one goes in with the attitude of forming an opinion on a character in a few chapters, they will completely miss the point of the manga.
This is not Komi-san where everyone fawns over the MC. Miwa and Saeko are renegades with few people that support them, but with everyone else looking down on them. Heck! Miw and Saeko even fail to support each other most of the time. The relationship has more downs than ups and is on a constant edge. This is not a manga for "shippers", fluff addicts, or hopeless romantics.
Its main theme is "the life of a lesbian desperate for love".
Yeah, I'm not fun at parties...😅