How to post an anthology?

Group Leader
Jun 18, 2020
I'm sorry, I'm new here so I'm not sure about a lot of stuff. I don't even know if this is where I should put this thread so I apologize if I'm wrong.

There's this series of comics I want to post here and each volume has 3 different stories on them by different authors. How do I post these? Do I make a separate one for each volume or is it okay to put them under just one since they're a series anyways? What do I do about the author part if it's the latter since there's so many of them?

I also wish to ask if it's okay to post incomplete chapters. By that I mean, I only a have scans of a couple of the stories and don't exactly have the first couple of issues (plus those are already in English and didn't need translating and I saw on the rules that raws aren't allowed here) so there's be missing "chapters" although none of the stories have anything to do with each other anyways.

I also want to know if I have to post the chapters in order? Like, I have some stories already translated from vol. 25 and am planning to post those but I haven't translated the ones I got from an earlier volume yet which I'm planning to post later.

Please help? Also, thank you for reading this and sorry for the bother.
Group Leader
Mar 20, 2019
@msp-chan This title is a good example that answers pretty much everything you asked.
To summarize:
1. Just make one title
2. Put as much author's name as possible in the field. If it surpassed the character limit, make some kind of table of contents (just like in the example)
3. Anthology isn't as order reliant as normal manga series. You can upload any chapters you want (unless there are stories that have 2 chapter parts or more, then it's preferable to upload the first part first)

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