Since this thread has been raised from the dead, I'll add my opinion too. Hugs are great, and if you want a hug, you ask for one. Hug someone of normal height normally. Continue hug until they signal discomfort or you feel awkward. End hugs with a gentle squeeze. As for shorter people(young cousins, nieces and nephews, and younger siblings), you hook your arms under their arms and give them a bear hug. To do so you must either shorten yourself or lift them into the air. When hugging younger cousins, maybe spin around if they're your favorite, if not keep it short so they don't have time to be uncomfortable. Unfortunately, asking your favorite niece for hugs doesn't work if you ask too much. Instead hug someone else to make them jealous or to create a hug everyone situation. Never hug someone who isn't comfortable with hugs, and always either ask for a hug verbally, or wait to hug until they ask for one. I only ever hug family members, or sometimes people who are family members in spirit, like my bestie.