I'll admit, that beginning got me, seeing as it's actually what transpires 17 years down the line
All in all, Hideyoshi's final moments are making Hidenaga's agonizing death-throes look tame and peaceful by comparison
I think this is the first time I've come across Oribe getting called by his formal name (Shigenari) - 'Oribe' is more of a title and Sasuke was actually his childhood name from before he came of age. And while I don't think anyone here is seriously worried he's going to bite it at this stage, the suspense remains as to how exactly he manages to get himself out of this pickle.
So the Shimazu is getting involved in the plot, huh.... I wonder if they will be heavily important later on. This chapter makes it seem like so with them really digging to Oribe's style
Edit: Just realize, his old man calls Oribe "a tea person"
@StubbornOne Nah, its perfect already! 😁 The old man doesn't seem to look up at art in general, so him calling Oribe a "tea person" feels really in-character.