It's not just the tits, it's the whole damn package. The author is known for drawing facial expressions that turn men into boys and make them goon immediately. Milady's strong point is undoubtedly her massive tits, but that's not all there is to it. It's like the lady whose boobs you stole glances at finally locked eyes with you, visions of a delusional grandeur of you marrying her flash before your eyes, followed by what-if snippets of your daily lives with the lady as your family grows bigger and bigger to match her childbearing hips and motherly mammaries... Only to finally snap back to reality and realize that the only way you could get back the feels were in your dreams or reading and rereading this soul-healing manga repeatedly and frequently.
Case in point, Maya has got no tits but damn. Damn, her ass and facial expressions do pop us our stiffies, right brothers?
The story may be a sorry excuse of a sorry for some, but none can deny the fact that the two ladies (Milady Rozalind and Maya) are sucking out our souls with how they look at us. If only Maya would step on me while looking at me like a piece of trash.
If only.