"author has a weird world view" no, y'all have a world view of zombies that's been closely informed by rationalized horrors like the Zombie Survival Guide and similar works that entirely take the view of the survivors (forgetting in the process that for a zombie apocalypse to occur, the vast majority of people would need to become zombies). Once you stop conceiving of the zombies as a lesser "other" and rather as humans who are like you, but with certain mental faculties removed, killing them becomes a lot murkier. And as this work has established time and time again, the zombies are not dead inhumans, they are alive and they are sapient. "Self-defense" may be a nice defense that the police get to use when they shoot at autistic people, but it doesn't usually work in this case. The zombies are clearly not roving street gangs who coordinate to hunt down humans, if anything they're defending against trespassers. Zombies roam the stores, the apartments, follow their routine. It's usually only if a human comes into their private property that things get grimmer.