I Am the Real One - Vol. 1 Ch. 22

Fed-Kun's army
Dec 31, 2019
hm....i wonder what actually happen in previous life to the father...
right now he actually someone who love his daughter, just an awkward, unable to express his feeling
but it's completely different from previous life
Jan 27, 2020
Honestly I love your comment and I definitely want to know why he acted the way he did in his past life.

Also I can't wait too see him reflect more on his past actions and behaviours towards his daughter!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
Honestly, I wish we knew more about the Father's situation and backstory, to learn when and/or why he became so cold and distant (or if he was always like that). While he did take her love and affection for granted, we know that he also loved or at least cared about her (talking about the present one here, not the past life version), however he seems to have trouble with expressing himself, just as she did before. So hopefully the two of them can bridge the gap that's between them and possibly reconcile. However for that to happen, it'll take a lot more effort on the Father's part to actively seek out his daughter and try to understand her even if it means being rebuffed a number of times. He no longer has the luxury of sitting back waiting on her to make the attempt; the ball's in his court now.
Apr 7, 2019
I'm kinda now wanting a little bit a reconciliation between them. I was initially on the hate train but, yeah. The real test to see if he has changed is whether he'll try to keep talking with his daughter as well as how he'll handle the Cosette situation.

Thank you so much for the chapter! And this story overall! XD
Jan 13, 2020
Now he's got something to think about. Absolute fool. Don't start reminiscing now, stupid idiot.
Mar 12, 2019
cry me a river DAD! you can’t pretend to care for your daughter after neglecting her for 18 years, not to mention the hell you put her through in your “dream”. execution isn’t easily forgotten, you bozo
Dec 2, 2019
You're allowed to dislike her naivety but its not like its uncalled for. I mean in her previous life she never considered a life outside work, she focused on impressing her father. The only example she has to follow is her father and she was homeschooled and taught all the ways of a noble. When she tried socializing it didn't work because she didn't know how to have fun ie. when she hung out with the knights. So of course she would be naive the only example she has to follow now, are novels which are full of idealized fantasies that would never happen in real life.
Feb 7, 2020
Honestly I feel that the dad married politically while he had a lover. Since he was the head he had to let go of the lover and the lover had a child. Child may not be his.

Regardless I hope he remembers the fu*cking dream and cry his blood out. I don’t freaking care, how could you kill a child that was by your side since she was a babe!!!

No excuse! I don’t freaking care. I hate the dad but I love how he’s starting to care for her. Still hate him though.
Sep 9, 2020
@Miros I agree, he was and still is a piece of shit, but he is starting to feel for his daughter and care for her but he can’t come to terms with it. So he is technically a Tsundere. Fuck him tho.
Jul 31, 2020
It better not be something cliche like your birth caused the death of my beloved woman (Who Made Me Princess) type scenario again because regardless, his neglect towards her is so inexcusable.
He is the one that made her so unsociable thus leading to her isolation and demise. The man even executed her for being a "fake" daughter as if it is even her fault in the first place...
He is irredeemable, so I fully support her deciding to ignore him and cutting him out of her life. No need for reconciliation.
Sep 21, 2020
Now you remembered about you and your daughter in the past? After what you did to her?
Sep 21, 2019
Literally the moment this chapter ended I was like "HAHAHA you miss what you dont have anymore you bitch" fuck I hate the father I hope this doesnt turn out to be some apologist story where the father was hurt soooo badly and neglected his child because of that. Like boohoo go to hell you cunt. Thanks for translating this <3

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