I Am the Real One

Nov 25, 2019
Another manhwa that can make my blood boil. I really want to fvcking kill bitches like that! 😬😬 anyways, this is insteresting, thanks for translating this. ☺☺
Oct 7, 2019
So does it have romance? I heard people saying it didn’t have any and was focused on the relationships between family, and if there is, anyone know who the ML is?
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
I hope Keira just dump them all and go to live for herself: the country will suffer a drought? Why should she care when every one of them pointed their fingers at her and condemned her to die? To be honest I'm a too wicked of a person to have a heart big enough to care for people like that, but I do hope that the title of "Saintess" won't mean that she will be all-forgiven and "I will run to your help if you ever are in trouble" or a pushover
Mar 6, 2019
Honestly i'm tempted to instant toss a 1/10 rating with that garbage that leads to her execution. A (self proclaimed) new daughter suddenly came to you and you just nod while executing the one you live with for sooo many years? The hell?
Apr 5, 2019
Ah yes another emotional rollercoaster why do I love to hurt myself
May 5, 2020
OOF Author i'm not sure how you want the readers to feel. intro events are annoyingly placed. I guess its too early to start the series. I hope it gets better soon.
Sep 13, 2018
Another one of these over done tropes? All the men in these stories are freaking infuriating. These crazy bastard men don't deserve second chances. Seriously liking these kinds of guys, you must be psychotic or at the very least a masochist. And if they're not crazy bastards then they're harmless pets or white knights. FFS I wish for a story like this but the main female lead actually got some backbone and fire in her spirit to pursue an actual goal. Just stab a mf'er dammit. Guess romance is like this. Sidelines everything and has very convenient plot points to push the otp together. So cringe worthy and vomit inducing.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
thank you so much for the mass update. If I had to wait to read chapter 1-5 I might just kill someone.
Jan 31, 2018
it doesn't make any sense!
Are they all under mind control? because to execute a person for these reasons is inhumane even for the Christian church in its heyday.
Jun 3, 2020
Whoah what a mass release! I'd like to know if
the father actually remembers or if its one of those "I had a dream I sorta remember it but its pretty hazy" things. I mean, I never remember my dreams ..

But it'd be interesting if he does!
Feb 1, 2020
With how mangadex loads chapters, my BP was starting to ache my head until the 9th chapter.

Wish the whole manga she just ignores that piece of utter garbage, whose only redeeming quality is he was the sperm donor and took care of her for so long.
Some people are never meant to have children, he is one of them.

He does when she reincarnates, hopefully he will grovelling for forgiveness for a few chapters in the future.
Aug 13, 2018
thank you for the mass release! the anger i had in the beginning was completely washed away because of how cute the latest chapters were! the art style is also v pretty
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
omg oh boy the author should be committed..... in consequence of the author trying to justfy the actions of the father and bring them back together the author is also dispalying an attitude that says that its ok to attempt to kill your child as long as you have a major case of what basicly amounts to the aymptoms of depression....
and the fmc actualy swallows that sheite
i gave 1* not because i think that the art and plot are necessarily that bad but because the inherent values mirrored in the story are appalling to me. if you can justify actions like that then why punish anything, whats even the reason for having laws then.

violence against or the very murder of your own children are pretty much the worst that a human can do
the mere idea of justifying an act like thevone shown here is something that sickens me
May 2, 2020
I have mix feelings about this. I like the fact that it’s not super slow paced like in other tropes. But man. The rush to make you hate the villain way early in the chapters is a love/hate relationship for the readers rn. I guess the part that I don’t like is the Father’s character development. As a reader, I can’t sympathize with the Father allowing the random kid. Like what?? It doesn’t make sense even if he has memories of how his wife and the commoner seem similar but the story doesn’t even explain why he doesn’t trust nor acknowledge the main character. I’ll continue reading it but prolly gonna drop it if it continues being rushed. Thank you for uploading this tho.

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