Emiel's obviously damaged goods as well. In fact I reckon he might suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists can actually be really charming on a more superficial level as they appear very self-assured, can be really skillful at what they want to do because of their ambition, and nothing prevents them from being smart as well, but unlike ordinary smart people, they have less compunctions when using their intelligence for their own benefit at the expense of others. I'd say this shows pretty well in how Emiel has been trying to charm Estelle from square one, very smoothly and in an exceedingly persistent and consistent manner, disregarding his and her positions. Yet now we know he's practically a sadist when training the troops. This would fit very well together with a narcissistic personality disorder, plus what Roy just said about Emil's personality. Since narcissism often has its roots in childhood suffering and psychological trauma, it also makes sense he wouldn't want anyone to know about his background, Estelle the least of all, as it's his greatest perceptible flaw.